Revelations From A Man Who Helped Design Morgellons Disease

There are two videos at about Morgellons Disease. These are Important videos and must be watched.

The first video:

 “Introductory Remarks”

The 2nd video: 

“Morgellons 2nd Session”

These 2 videos are well done and well researched by Clifford Carnicom and Dr. Gwen Scott.  The information in these videos affects every individual in this country.  They are perhaps the two of the most important videos ever to be made. If you have not viewed these videos you need to do it ASAP.  These videos are not casual entertainment they are about all of us.  Not just a few people with a weird disease called Morgellons, but about all of us.  This information personally affects every person you love and care about.  It is about your grandchildren, your family pet, your loved ones and even people down the street that you don’t care about. We are all being subjected to this.  It is in the very air we are breathing, and the food we are eating.  That is certain.  There are more vectors beyond even that.  To put it in simple terms: 

We May All Have Morgellons Disease and It Is Man Made!

Many people viewing these videos may have overlooked one of the most import pieces of information that was included in each.  Someone has confessed to participation in at least one aspect of the formulation of this disease.  It is not to be overlooked or tossed aside.  I do believe that Dr. Gwen Scott has been contacted by a credible source who has admitted his part in creating Morgellons Disease. There is still so much conjecture as to the origins of Morgellons that perhaps Gwen’s statements will impact someone who is still pretending that this disease in not a deliberate assault on all humankind.  It is important to make sure everyone will hear or read this message.  For this reason I have transcribed the relevant points she made about the origin of Morgellons disease from her videos with Clifford Carnicom.  Perhaps seeing it all in print will give it more credibility.  Since it is the spoken word and not text originally I wrote it verbatim as she spoke it without any changes.

I give great credit to Dr. Gwen Scott for putting forth this vital information and for her selfless work for she has done for the Morgellons community.  She is herself a sufferer of the extreme symptoms of the disease.  Likewise, I am proud to know Clifford Carnicom and count him among the true heroes of our time for his selfless dedication to this research and getting the truth out there in spite of the personal dangers that can come with being an honest man in these dark times.  Clifford has revealed the biggest “dirty little secret” known to man.


Here is the written transcript from a small portion of the spoken dialogue by Dr. Gwen Scott from the above “Introductory Remarks” video regarding who responsible for origins of Morgellons disease.

“Introductory Remarks”

Dr. Gwen Scott States:

“I began to see there are a lot of components.  It is a very compound complex network of pathogens.  Organic, inorganic and all kinds of things.

We have fibers, heavy metals, bacteria, funguses, viruses that seem to be working somehow synergistically.  None of them good to the Human.”

“I was able to touch base with one of the people who actively was involved in the design of some of this and I think at the time he thought he was doing this country some good – and in retrospect now realizes, perhaps not.  Now he’s trying very hard to help anybody who’s conscious of what’s going on.  He did tell me that most of these pathogens have been genetically altered so that your immune system doesn’t know that they’re there.  They’re cloaked, they’re different, they can overcome.  I won’t go into the specifics but just let’s say these are not your average bacteria, virus, fungus – and of course heavy metals are not average in the human body anyway – and these fibers, these unusual fibers are wires that we’re seeing.  People have said, “Well, where’s it coming from?”  Clearly, there have been enough samples to know and Mr. Carnicom, Clifford, just made that connection for us through the air.  Some of them are coming to us through the air, with deliberation through the air supply.  I have been told by this same gentleman it is also being delivered to us by our food supply.  Particularly commercial preprocessed food”

Gwen also went on to say she believes that another vector of transmission is through vaccines.


Here is the written transcript from a small portion of the dialogue by Dr. Gwen  Scott from the above “2nd Video” regarding her contact with one of the designers of Morgellons Disease.

“Morgellons 2nd Session”

Dr. Gwen Scott states:

“Since our last discussion I did have a gentleman who was involved in some of this (Morgellons design) call me.  When he was involved he felt he was doing something to help the soldiers in the field in this country.  He was told these things would be sprayed, aerosol sprayed, from planes on the enemy and they would save soldier’s lives – and then it occurred to him when he became aware and began to see Clifford’s work and other work that, oops, maybe that’s not the case.  So now he’s trying really hard to help out anybody that he can find that’s trying to do the work. -and he explained something to me that I knew that I had kind of forgotten.  Every organ in your body has a specific frequency and it operates at that frequency. -and when you interrupt that frequency electromagnetically, you can create all kinds of serious (even unto death) problems.

He also talked about areas of the brain and mind control.  -and as Orwellian as that may seem, apparently, scientifically it is very real.  We know from Clifford’s work, for years now, the electromagnetic properties of what’s happening in our air supply as a result of the manipulation and the manipulation of that.  Beyond that he talked about then confirmed to me the heavy metals, the barium, the titanium, the aluminum.  None of which, trust me, are good for the human.   He talked about the biological.  He said all of it had been altered.  Some of it (and Clifford had eluded to earlier in the video) can kind of escape your immune system, cloak itself in one form or another.  Again (he spoke of) the electromagnetics and also the lack of oxygen, the displacement of oxygen.  The more you displace oxygen out of the air supply with particulates, (it could be Cornflakes, it doesn’t matter) the mortality rates go up concurrently.  We are operating on a very low level of oxygen.”

Dr Gwen Scott who is also a Morgellons sufferer shares her excellent holistic protocol for Morgellons and a Flu Protocol with others at the following link.  ArizonaSkywatch

Morgellons Syndrome And What You Can Do About It

by Amir Alwani
November 29, 2012

As many of us now know, a vast amount of airplanes are currently spraying most of the Earth’s population with aluminum, barium, strontium, etc.  Less discussed components of the spray programs include lab-created synthetic life-forms and other biological materials such as red blood cells, fungus, and self-replicating nano-fibers.  Massive and diverse geo-engineering operations are indeed occurring.  Moreover, a peculiar syndrome called Morgellons has emerged and has now been linked to these eugenics/transhumanist operations.

While this is alarming, humanity should at some point face the ugly details of this dilemma.  This is an agenda partly involving a nano-technology infestation in our bodies.  Potent News Blast #10 seeks to shed some light on this often neglected issue:



What You Can Do About It

As creepy as all this is, there is room for hope.


August 17-19 of 2012 represented the coming together of some of the most prominent chemtrail researchers at a historic conference and fundraiser event in L.A., California titled Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails.  The event was also the premier of the documentary film Why In The World Are They Spraying? and even well known public figures like Cynthia McKinney and Rosanne Bar spoke at the conference to show their support.  DVDs of the fundraiser are still available and all proceeds apparently go to Morgellons research, namely Morgellons Research Group and Carnicom Institute.

A recent Carnicom Institute newsletter has also mentioned that there currently is a petition on the White House official website asking the Obama Administration to honestly investigate Geo-Engineering, HAARP & Chemtrails.  Since its inception 2 weeks ago, it has accumulated over 4000 signatures (with the goal being 25,000 by Dec. 14, 2012).

[UPDATE: Here’s a new petition which calls on Congress to put a stop to the secretive and deadly geo-engineering program(s).]

The general increase in awareness on this subject is refreshing.  Even as far back as two years ago chemtrail protests were happening in places like the UK and Italy.  Now similar chemtrail rallies have popped up in places like Greece and New Zealand.  The movement is gaining ground.

But what can be done about chemtrails and Morgellons to yield immediate effects for our bodies here and now?  To answer that question I’ve included some very instructive videos that summarize Gwen Scott’s excellent dietary suggestions and also Ken Rohla’s fascinating research into orgonite.




lymelogo Resources
The Morgellons Research Foundation provides the following resources for sufferers of Morgellons disease, clinicians, associates, and the friends of the Foundation. See our FAQs section for more information.

Click on any of these headings to learn more:

• Morgellons Disease Brochure
• Lyme Disease Association Physician Referrals

Programs that may help you with the cost of healthcare
and medicine:

• NeedyMeds
• The Partnership for Prescription Assistance

Morgellons Disease Brochure
Thank you for your interest in the MRF Morgellons disease brochure. We hope that you are able to download and print this brochure. The brochure is intended to be a borderless brochure, which is printed on both sides and folded twice into three parts using the brochure features as a guide. In case your printer does not permit you to print a borderless copy, you can email the file or take it on disk to your local printing facility. Alternatively, you can email it to an online service and have copies of the brochure shipped to you.

Click to download Morgellons Disease Brochure. (Inside)
Click to download Morgellons Disease Brochure. (Outside)

Online Printing Services
Here are just a few of many available online printing services.

Office Depot Print Center
FedEx Kinkos Print Center
Staples Print Center
OfficeMax Print Center

Printing Suggestions
Here are some suggestions if you will be using your own printer:

To Print Front to Back: You may print front to back if desired (for best quality make sure your paper choice is around 80# bond paper quality). Simply select “0” settings for your margins, if allowed. Some older printers will not allow this feature. Each printer operates in a slightly different fashion, so first check the sequence of how your paper is delivered to the print tray before printing the second page on the flip side. Here’s a tip – Do a test run: Draw an arrow on the next sheet in the paper supply tray toward the printer housing. Select something simple to print. Then when you see the arrow positioned within the document printed, you’ll know how it delivers and how to place it in the tray. Put the “already one-side printed” document back into the paper supply tray and print the other side of the brochure. Then fold twice into three parts using the features of the layout as a guide.

To Print in Black and White (Grayscale): Select File Print. Go to Properties on your print window that pops up. Depending upon the printer used or driver installed, you may be directed then to Printing Shortcuts to turn on Select Black Only printing. Also go to the Color Tab and select Print in Grayscale, then check Black Cartridge Only. Proceed as usual by hitting the Okay and/or Print button.

To Print Using Two Documents and Pasting Together: Select “0” settings for your margins, if allowed. Some older printers will not allow this feature. But if so, print out each side of the brochure on two different pieces of paper. Apply a light coating of glue with a glue stick, paying attention to the corners especially. Carefully line up and apply the sheets opposite to each other. Eliminate bubbles and bumpy spots by sliding your finger over each trouble area. Trim if necessary. Then fold exactly into three parts.





Lyme Disease Association Physician Referrals

The Morgellons Research Foundation has no affiliation with the Lyme Disease Association (LDA). However, LDA maintains a Lyme literate doctor (LLMD) referral link. Patients with Morgellons often test positive for Lyme and may consider making an appointment with a LLMD. Here is a link to their referral site: Lyme Disease Association Doctor Referrals.

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NeedyMeds is a 501(3)(c) non-profit with the mission of helping people who cannot afford medicine or healthcare costs. Information about free or low-cost clinics and access to medication for those who cannot afford it is available. Click here to visit their website.

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The Partnership for Prescription Assistance

The Partnership for Prescription Assistance brings together America’s pharmaceutical companies, doctors, other health care providers, patient advocacy organizations and community groups to help qualifying patients who lack prescription coverage get the medicines they need through the public or private program that’s right for them. Click here to visit their website.

Living With Morgellons

Living With Morgellons

life_with-2Living With Morgellons

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”-Kahlil Gibran


  • living with constant crawling, itching and biting sensations.
  • having skin lesions, some small and superficial, others deep non-healing wounds, which break out all over your body and extrude strange, unidentifiable fibers.
  • experiencing such cognitive and neurological decline that you are no longer able to work.
  • watching your children suffer from a disease that is not recognizedand has no known cure.
  • going to your doctor for help and being told that your symptoms are purely psychosomatic.
  • feeling so physically ill, and feeling so completely alone and abandoned by medicine…

This is the reality for thousands of Morgellons disease sufferers. Following are some accounts written by people who have been affected by Morgellons disease.


Stories from Sufferers

Robert, New York
“I have heard about your Morgellons Research Foundation from a TV program on CNN. I think my son Robert had the symptoms of Morgellons.

My son Robert was born December. He moved to Sullivan County, New York State and began his life. He bought an abandoned church in Mountaindale, New York and began his career as an artist and sculptor. He developed Lyme Disease. At that time no one in this area knew much about it and it was sometime before he was treated with intravenous antibiotics. His symptoms disappeared and his health appeared normal. After about a year, his symptoms reappeared and once again he was treated and his symptoms disappeared. Because of the debilitating nature the of Lyme Disease he had to give up his plumbing business. He then began working for a rehabilitation center where there were mostly young adults involved in drugs. After six (6) years he was promoted to Director.

About this time, he began noticing small particles moving under his skin through his hands and fingers. The particles were forcing themselves through his skin on his nose, fingertips and laterall over his hands. He began to notice the particles in other parts of his body (chest, nose, ears). The pressure of these splinters were extremely painful.He could not perform his duties and was forced to resign his position. He decided to alleviate the pressure by softening his skin. He used many creams, covered his hands with tight plastic surgical gloves but nothing helped. He had biopsies on his skin in the chest area. Thankful all were negative for cancer. He decided to soak in warm pressurized water. He purchased and he installed a Jacuzzi tub in his bathroom. He spent hours in the water and the rushing water pressure softens his skin and literally millions of these splinters came out of his body. He captured some of them with a tweezers and began looking at them through a very professional microscope. He took pictures of the splinters and he put them in his computer. He tried to show them to the doctors but not one would look at the photos. They thought his problems were mental and prescribed anti-depressants to help him. Needless to say, they did not. He was very discouraged. He did not know anyone else with this condition. The splinters were like strings piercing his skin. He thought he would die.

I do not think it necessary to tell you about the depression and anxiety this caused him and his parents. Robert committed suicide on August 14, 2006 the day we heard of the research foundation.”

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Cristina, New York
“In 2004, I decided to spend the winter in Florida in a rented condo. While there I contracted Morgellons disease.

At first, I was at a loss to know what was causing all this itching and biting. I asked some friends who were nurses and had lived in Florida for a long time what it could be. They suggested noseeums, a microscopic mite that can enter a house through screens. Some suggested chiggers, fleas, other types of mites, and suggested various topical treatments. Nothing worked. I was convinced I had some type of microscopic mite that came from a home that had a mangy dog and many stray cats. I set bug bombs in the condo on eight occasions. No change. I spread flea powder all over, sprayed Raid, to no avail. I used mite spray. I used Frontline. I used insect repellent, Maalox, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil. I tried a variety of topical treatments–little relief. I learned quickly that nothing could be worn twice with washing, and bedding must be changed daily.

When I returned home, I inadvertently passed on the disease to the people I cared for the most–my sister, two daughters and a granddaughter.

The first doctor I saw said it was an allergy. The next doctor gave me Ludane lotion and Kwell. That worked for only a few hours. The next doctor told me to identify the pathogen, and then he would know how to treat me. I turned to the internet for help.

When I returned home, though I warned my sister and daughter against it, they could not believe it was as serious as I said and they came to visit my apartment on several occasions and contracted the disease.

I could go about the frantic attempts to get help, the frustrations and rejections encountered when turning to mainstream medical establishment for help, the expense of products and treatments to obtain some kind of control or relief over the symptoms of the disease, the growing isolation from friends and loved one for fear of further spreading the disease, (which happened anyway).

After a year and a half, and after throwing away many clothes and several pieces of furniture , getting rid of my upholstered car, and other things, I finally felt clean and free of the disease. But I then visited a daughter and granddaughter whose home I had deliberately avoided for fear of spreading the disease to them, and inadvertently I brought it to their home. They contracted the disease and my symptoms returned. It was only at that time that I finally realized I did not have a mysterious mite, but I had Morgellons.

Oddly, my daughters’ husband and a grandson did not get the disease though they were exposed over the many months (at least they show no symptoms). Only my blood relatives.

This is definitely a contagious disease, but not everyone is susceptible. It is a very difficult disease to eradicate though a few people, over a long period of time, using various methods, seemed to overcome it. I want to be one of those people.”

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Carol, New York
“I have Morgellons disease and it has changed who I am and how I live in every way. At one time, I negotiated multi-million dollar contracts. Now I can barely balance a check book. At one time, I was an editor and managed employee communications for a Fortune 100 company. Today, writing a simple statement, such as this one, takes days. Not long ago, I was an active member of my community… president of our middle school PTO, board member of several organizations. I planned and organized large scale events and successful fundraising campaigns. Now I consider it a good day if I’m out of bed by noon. I used to taxi our boys and their friends to scouts, sporting event, movies and other activities. I can no longer drive a car. For many years our home was the gathering place for friends and family in every season. When the Morgellons symptoms began, I felt compelled to limit my exposure to others. I sequestered myself away in fear of passing on this horrific disease. I stopped sleeping with my wonderful husband. I stopped hugging and kissing my beloved children. Having this disease has affected my whole family – all of us – our plans and dreams. The rich, active and full life we as a family once enjoyed disappeared in the void. Years have been utterly lost. We stopped making plans. My children stopped asking if we had any. Our eroded finances have changed retirement plans for my hard-working husband and educational opportunities for our children. I planned on going back to work a few years ago when my boys entered middle school. I expected to help pay the tuition for my sons’ college education. Last year, my eldest son bypassed his first-choice college and a $40,000 scholarship in favor of helping us by living at home, assuming a student college loan and attending a local college. Last year, my medical expenses (including doctor’s fees, lab and pathology tests, prescription drugs, and medically prescribed supplements) exceeded $35,000 of which $16,000 was not covered by our medical insurance. Less than a year ago, I had become so desperate and sick I was certain I would not live to see my next birthday. After years and countless frustrating and humiliating doctor visits, I finally got some help. A psychiatrist told me he believed I had a Lyme-like disease. Furthermore, he said he had been contacted by a local dermatologist looking for his take on patients coming to him with Morgellons symptoms. We contacted a Lyme-literate doctor in our area with experience treating Morgellons disease patients. In April 2006, I began treatment and have made substantial progress. We actually celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas at home this year.”

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Wendy, California
“I have been suffering with Morgellons for about 3 years. I am suffering with the pain, the disfiguring lesions (scarring), the endless itching, the fatigue, the cloudy vision, the fibers, as well as the brain fog. I also experience the tremendous fear that I will soon die as a result of this disease. Coping with these symptoms is mentally crippling as well as physically debilitating. I also fear that this disease may be a contagion, and that I may pass it on to those people that I come in contact with, family, friends, and the public. I have lost my boyfriend because of this. I willingly isolate myself from dating and socializing as I am embarrassed as to how I look and I fear I may infect those that I get in close contact with. I believe that it is my right as a United States Citizen to have this disease taken seriously, studied, and a treatment protocol established. I have also spent time, money, and have had to experiment on my own with medications and supplements as I am desperate. My doctors do nothing, as they need knowledge to base their treatments on, at this time there are none. This disease is not recognized in the medical community. Please help me and everyone who is suffering from this disease.”

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Sue, Maryland
“My first symptom was in the late summer of 1980. I was with child at the time,working in garden and the itching stinging all over hands, lesions shortly to follow on the back of my head. My baby girl was stillborn; no answers for us, autopsy said well formed 39 week baby so we never got a answer. The next year I had my Josh, June, 30, 1982. He was so beautiful, perfect, a gift from God. Also told us he was a healthy baby boy, but, around age 5 the migraines came, shortly after that the seizures, learning difficulties, ADHD, and on and on to the skin problems, being too tired to live a normal life, teeth rotted out, why? Again no reason offered. Then came the brain cancer, the &%$$ got in my child’s head. Now we get put off wait, wait, answers will come, but not in time for my child. All that is left is an empty room of dreams and memories of the horror watching our sweet child suffer and die. When will I feel peace, when will I be able to say he didn’t die in vain? WHEN THEY FIND THE ANSWERS FOR ALL OF OUR CHILDREN, THAT’S WHEN. They want to live, love, learn, they want to be able to move without pain, they want to feel pretty, spend time with friends, worry parents. Not much, they just want to be KIDS. Really that’s all; just normal life, that’s all they want, to live. Dear God, please help our children to have a normal life and please hold close the children we’ve lost to this horror, they only wanted to live and to love. I’m so broken I can’t even get my thoughts out the way I need to. I feel like a second grader when I try to type my thoughts. I want my son. I want all the others that have lost a child to wake up and find it’s all been a bad dream. I want the parents that have to watch their babies suffer so badly to wake up tomorrow and watch them run and play, live and laugh and love.”

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Cynthia, California
“I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones, I did not suffer for years not knowing what was wrong with my body. Within 4 weeks of visual proof I found Mary M. Leitaos’ MRF website and message boards that allowed me to share my story with others that had been through similar symptoms and events. Without these message boards I would have had not one person to discuss this cruel illness with. The unlucky victims of this disease are mothers, who right now, are watching their children lose their childhood. Some children are dead, some are still being misdiagnosed by doctors who refuse to believe. This disease is ahead of its time, way ahead of our doctors. I no longer trust physicians, nor respect them. This disease has destroyed all hope and dreams of the future. I can no longer work, and at times must rely on the kindness of neighbors just to get by day to day. My savings are gone and I was forced to sell my home. I live like a hermit, scared to death I will infect someone else with this nightmare. The disease has disfigured my face and body to the point where I hate my body so much. I can no longer hug a friend, or kiss a lover. When my dog showed signs of this disease I had to let him go. I have attempted suicide when the disease became unbearable, what brought me back, I might never know. When it becomes unbearable again, I will succeed this time. For what sense does life make, when I can no longer be of assistance to others, nor even take care of myself.”

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Larry, California
“I am writing to describe my disease of ten years which some are calling Morgellons. This disease has cost me dearly both financially and socially. There are open sores and lesions visible on my face and hands. Other lesions on my scalp, back, legs and arms. I am constantly distracted or outright panicked by intense itching especially on my eyes, ears nose and mouth. I have completely lost my faith in the medical profession as doctors have labeled me delusional and psychiatrists have told that I am not delusional and have no mental disease other than depression and anxiety (treatable) and that I should see a dermatologist. So back and forth wasting money and hope that I might be helped. Now I am ugly, tired and broke. Only an act of God or Congress can persuade and fund the research in the medical community to recognize, investigate and treat this disease.”

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Dana, Unknown
“Our family has been fighting this illness for several years now. It began with overwhelming fatigue and a blood test that revealed ANA’s, slowly progressing to the full list of symptoms and from me to the rest of my family. I underwent psychiatric testing and the MMPI revealed no psychiatric pathologies, however the IQ test I took revealed a significant decline from an earlier test as a teenager, from 140 to 125. I have been unable to find or afford a physician who will treat me for other than psychiatric issues and asthma and so have placed myself on oxytetracycline intended to treat cattle. This does the bare minimum to keep me upright and functioning, while I continue to have more progressive signs of organ involvement, particularly heart/lungs. I have petechiae arising in scattered patches, shortness of breath that seems to originate AROUND my lungs rather than IN them, unexplained bruising on calves, and episodes of tachycardia, in addition to the common morgellons symptoms. In the last two months I have lost nearly twenty pounds and struggle to maintain my weight at 110 lbs. My vision is affected by floaters that do not go away but slowly increase in size and number, swelling around the eyes that causes blurred or double vision, and photophobia. I wake up everyday with my eyes, face, and neck swollen and feeling very foggy or confused until I have taken enough Ibuprophen to decrease the swelling. I do not know for sure, but it SEEMS like the swelling may be very close to or in the brain, and this is the cause of the ‘fogginess.’ We are desperate for answers, as if this has an end stage, then I am approaching it. Please use my story in any way necessary to further aid in this matter.”

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Jenny, California
“Morgellon’s disease is real. It needs to be studied. My life is normal now, but there was a time when I knew I was dying a slow death and I actually welcomed the end of the suffering I endured for an entire year of my life. I have suffered greatly from this disease. I am free of it for the most part now, but a year of my life was literally taken away from me while I suffered in misery and pain. I don’t know what it is. The black specks seem like they could easily be bacterial such as spores or parasitic or both. The stinging sensations could logically be accounted for by something bacterial. I can say this, though,my boyfriend and I both had it. He went to his Primary Care Physician and they swabbed one of his sores. We were both covered with these. His result came back as being an “arthropod bite reaction.” His doctor said that could mean anything, like that he was simply bitten or that he ate shrimp and was allergic. Seeing as how both of us had these and neither one of us are allergic to seafood of any kind, it’s a logical assumption that these possibilities did not really apply to the situation we were dealing with. I also had a swab taken and was told that the bacteria from the sample was found to be resistant against just about everything with the exception of Cipro in large dosage. So that’s what he prescribed for me along with some external medicine. I can attest that the feeling of Malaise is very extreme. The fatigue is overwhelming. The sting and the inflammatory reaction that is caused by these things is excruciating. Eventually a sufferer will start to feel effects on the nervous system. Doctors make it even more of a living nightmare to the point that people suffering would just rather die. That is literally what the sickness along with how the doctors treat people who are infected does. I was told I had Impetigo week after week until I demanded that someone explain to me how that could even be physically possible to have a never-ending case of Impetigo. Finally, I ended up being diagnosed with Parasitosis. Delusional, that is. The people who I depended on 100% to try to help me turned out to make my life 30X more miserable than it had already become. My hair started coming out in gobs. My beautiful face was hideous, the stinging got worse, my shower scrungies were literally inundated with black and blue specks. All I know, is once I moved out of that apartment, I break out every once in a while and it’s never gone away completely. However, it’s somewhat manageable now. The attacks are acute, vs. chronic and the condition is no longer completely debilitating to me like it once was. Every six months I self medicate with large doses of Cipro for 1-2 weeks and an anti-parasitic medication that can only be taken 1-2 times yearly, anyway. Please help to find the cause of this painfully debilitating and depressing disease. Something desperately needs to be done to identify exactly what this is and change needs to be implemented in the medical community as to how people that are truly sick and need medical attention are treated. It’s an absolutely inexcusable and horrific ordeal to be put through by the very people you are depending on to help you, only to be treated like a person having “delusions” Children and infants have been infected. People literally do lose their sanity in a way. Fatigue and Malaise and Brain Fog and stinging pain and horribly ugly sores with black things and doctors humoring and acting condescendingly like this is all a very sad mental problem that is pitiful and requires antidepressants and a dose of reality, while the infected person is worrying about what the heck is happening physically and mentally and emotionally and dropping out of society due to being exhausted and in pain and looking like a leper and worrying about infecting other people. It is enough to finally break a person who most likely was used to a normal life of health, work, school, social life and who could never have imagined something so graphic, morbid, scary and surreal happening to them. I pray continually to God to comfort those who are suffering the way I once did and that this nightmarish sickness will be given enough attention that the medical and scientific communities will stop this adamant laziness and do the necessary research needed to identify it and that eventually there will be treatment available to those in need.”

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Judith, California
“My elderly parents and I contracted this disease from a “new puppy” . We thought he had fleas. The vet said that it wasn’t fleas, but some kind of mites. He tried everything and couldn’t make him well. He was euthanized. While we treated him for mites, we all contracted them. We all have immune deficiency problems, and they literally took over our bodies. We had open lesions that would not heal, and we had crawling sensations all over our bodies. We started having threadlike particles come through our pores, and as they did they stung. We would feel the stinging or biting almost all of the time. I had to take Mom and Dad to urgent care and then to the hospital for help. I went to the hospital in Apple Valley for the second time when I had large, unhealing lesions. The Dr. said he knew how to treat it and prescribed psychotic medicine. He felt it was all in my head even though he could see the lesions. I understand that he probably thought the lesions were results of self-mutilation. I am 66 years old, have a college grade point average of 4.0 and will be graduating from college in June with an A.A. in business administration. I also have my Paralegal certificate and will have my Bookkeeping Certificate this April. I am not stupid or paranoid. I have gone from a Primary Care Dr, to a skin specialist, to a dermatologist. No one really knows what this is. My primary care doctor has tried to help me, but no one really knows what to do about this. It is easier for them to say I am psychotic than to take the time to find out what it is and to treat it adequately. In the interest of other people I stay away from them so they won’t get these. I was not able to go to a Grandson’s college graduation, two grandchildren’s graduations, the birth of a new Grandchild and two Great Grandchildren. I had to stop going to classes at college and quit teaching bible study at church in the interest of protecting others. One of my granddaughter had leukemia and had a compromised immune system, too. This has been going on for over two years. The medical profession has got to get interested in helping the thousands of people who have this disease. It is painful, isolating, and can be depressing. If I didn’t have faith in God, I would have given up at the height of this event. Hope would have disappeared.”

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Arlene, California
“On March 12th, it will have been exactly five years that I have been living with this affliction. The first six months was like living in a Stephen King horror film…and I was the star, surrounded by ‘things’ biting at me, getting into my skin and producing more of themselves, and coming out of my pores. Having the house fumigated again and again, did nothing to kill them. It finally became impossible to live in my house. Almost worse than the affliction, was the behavior of the doctors I called on to help. They listened to my story, looked at my rashes, cavalierly gave quick shrift to my samples, and declared me to be delusional, and sometimes worse. . .one university etymologist rudely asked it I saw mosquitoes flying through walls. After six months of a living hell, I finally met a dermatologist who believed me. She tried several methods to rid me of these things which worked temporarily, but the disease returned even more determined. Having given up, she sent me to someone she referred to as a genius, who cures those patients she can’t. He was an Oriental Medicine doctor, a Dutch Jew, who did his ‘oriental’ thing and made a formula which remarkably stopped the ‘comings and goings’ of these ‘things’ in four days. I have recently learned of others–through friends and neighbors aware of my plight–who are suffering. One actress was unable to attend the Golden Globe, for which she and her husband had invitations, due to the terrible rashes on her face and body. I know about those. They are nothing short of horrendous. The itch is unbearable, and the lack of being able to control things in one’s own body can drive a person crazy…in which case, the smug, arrogant and insensitive doctors would ultimately be right…we’d end up crazy..or their word, “delusional.”

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Helen, New York
“I am suffering terribly at this time as I am not able to be comfortable within my own skin, literally, and my body. My family and I reside on Long Island, New York . One yr. ago from this past summer the soles of my feet begin to itch terribly, non-stop each and every night. As fall arrived, I begin to feel something different also quite often. A ‘creepy crawler” feeling was occurring under the skin of the soles of my feet…and my scalp, usually at the same time. It was something that I had never felt before. Worried, I made an appt. to see a dermatologist. My visit was somewhat strange. I was told from across the rm. very quickly by the doctor that my feet had psoriasis, and that as far as the thinning of my hair I needed to see an endocrinologist, My “creepy crawler” comment basically seemed to be ignored. I was given a script for psoriasis for my feet, which did nothing at all for me. Dissatisfied with this visit of 5 mins. or so, I sought another dermatologist. With the same complaints given, I was told I had dry feet, a normal amt. of hair, and that the ‘crawler’ feeling most likely was from sensitive nerve endings. I mentioned that I had cats, and that I felt like maybe I had some sort of mites causing the problem. She said to try moisturizing for my feet, and gave me nothing for my head symptoms, and said to come back if needed. I needed to go back. as my symptoms only progressed. I practically forced a script for permithirin creme from the doctor, went home and did the treatment.[can’t use above the neck she said] so I was “over the counter” for that as she had told me. I used lice shampoo, and the permithirin, to no avail. I sort of gave up for a bit, not knowing what to do next, as symptoms persisted, and now I had some ‘nodules’ under the skin of my scalp too. Spring arrived, and systemically I was feeling “not well’, and VERY fatigued. I begin to get some itchy ‘bite marks’ now on various parts of my body, that looked like sores, and that sometimes gave a biting feeling from under my skin. I went back to the dermatologist, who NOW believed I might have a parasite of some sort, and she gave me ivermectin. It didn’t help me. Parasitic testing came up negative, as did a biopsy punch done into one of the lesions on the nape of my neck. I was told by this dermatologist that she could only help check for skin infection and give me topicals for itching for my skin, and that I should go to an infectious disease doctor for my now wt.loss of 30 lbs, gastrointestinal complaints, sinus problems, edema at times, and the now multiple lesions on my body that bite ‘from under’ with a quick sting, itched, and burned at times. Infectious Disease, however declined to see me since all prior tests were negative (blood work, stool samples, etc). I went back to my primary doctor who blatantly looked me in the eye and coldly stated “I can’t help you”’. As I am trying to move this along here. I will tell you that since the Spring I had realized (from my trying to research and diagnose this problem on my own since symptoms were rapidly progressing without any beneficial help from doctors I’d seen thus far), that I fit Morgellons symptoms. Even my experience with doctors matched incredibly others with these symptoms. I actually have asked my dermatologist fairly recently, as this horrific syndrome has become more media exposed. if she knows of it , and she said she knew of what I spoke, and said that unfortunately there is no specific protocol of how to treat it since symptoms of sufferers are of a commonality, but within that commonality the symptoms are widely varied, according to the CDC, and she added, IF this does indeed exist. SOOOooo,to bring this letter current, I would like to say that I am on my own to try to do what I can to tolerate the following: painful sores that sometimes have fibers within them that seem to move within and at times OUT of these lesions, Hair that may BE fiber, nodules with extremely painful sores present on my scalp, and to withstand a never ending battle by my own body. My hair is now extremely thin, and I am not sure if it even is hair any longer as it now has bizarre characteristics since my scalp symptoms have worsened drastically. I am at a loss as to what to do from here…other than to try antibiotics and de-wormers that I must attain myself. The presence of this inescapable nightmare (Morgellons disease) consumes and destructs my life now as it tortures me each and every day and night with it’s horrific dermal and systemic existence in my body. The three other family members in my household also are suffering, as half way through the progression of my symptoms, they also begin to present with similar symptoms. Each day we pray that SOMETHING WILL BE DONE to help us and others to BE RID OF THIS so as to gain our health, peace of mind and body, and our lives back again. Morgellons disease has taken these things away by the immense, inhumane suffering it causes as it flourishes, unchecked, within us. A cure MUST be sought and found for our sake here in New York, the sake of other sufferers everywhere, and all mankind, IMMEDIATELY!!! PLEASE!!!”

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Artie, New York
“My name is Artie, I’m 47 and grew up and live in Queens, NY. I own a pest control business and up until the summer of 2004 all was great, really great. Then the classic symptoms started, slow and local at first, mainly a crawling sensation around my face. I thought I had caught scabies. Little did I know, it was the end of my old peaceful life; today I exist. With limited space to write I’ll get to the damage done. For almost 2 and 3/4 LONG years this disease has spread throughout my entire body. I see a therapist and must take sleeping medication or I lay in agony. Anxiety runs my life. My hands are the most “infected” and I wake EACH day to hands so painful it feels as if they are in boiling water. I run to the sink and cool water eases the pain after 10 minutes. I have lost all my interests and dreams and have no hope of finding another girlfriend (I’m widowed). My business is sinking fast and bills are killing me. I feel bites, have black, green and red fibers coming up from small welts that come from below. I’ve been to 27 doctors, dermatologists, travel doctors, ER’s and 6 NYC hospitals including NY Skin and Cancer. The two doctors actually got mad for “wasting” their time. I walked out and wanted to step in front of a truck and almost did. I have lost my friends and my family thinks I’m crazy. My own Mother “doesn’t want to hear it.” I spend about $40 a week on laundry; can’t wear anything twice or the bites start. Clean sheets every other night and I shower twice a day and I still have a “fuzzy” feeling. I can’t think straight; I forget everything. I’ve gone through 9 “pocket microscopes” and have tried to figure what’s happening to me but with ignorant pompous doctors it’s probably going to be “discovered” after some high-profile people mandate a study and hopefully a cure. I exist a day at a time and as my self-created business slowly dies I feel like I’m going the same way. Cure or not, I will never again think of doctors as “gifted people” for they turned their backs and left me in a dark nightmare totally hopeless. YES folks, this disease is very nasty, spreading fast and it may be knocking on your door very soon for nobody is safe and due to the ignorance of the medical community, a cure seems far off. Thank you.”

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Judy, New York
“In 1990 while living in Aromas, CA, near San Jose, I contracted a disease different from any previous condition, which I have never gotten rid of, and which has never been diagnosed despite numerous consultations with physicians and specialists over the years. For the first 12 years, the disease was characterized by burning, stinging and bleeding of my nasal passages and sinuses accompanied by constantly feeling sick, night sweats, aching joints and an almost overwhelming “brain fog” and mental and physical weakness. Exhaustion doesn’t describe the demoralizing and incapacitating nature of the feeling. I pretty much just existed for a decade of my life. My situation is complicated by IgA, IgG2 (and possibly IgE) deficiencies. Whenever I catch an upper respiratory infection my condition progresses to bacterial overgrowth, at which point I can convince my physicians to prescribe Biaxin (the only oral antibiotic I have found effective). This pretty much alleviates my symptoms, which return when the course of Biaxin is finished. I discussed with various physicians the possibility of an antibiotic rinse that could be used all the time, but was told that none existed. In 2002 while living in Rochester, NY an ENT here suggested rinsing with a Bactroban solution. Twice-daily rinses have improved my quality of life tremendously. Although I still have burning and bleeding of my nasal passages and feel sick when not on Biaxin, I am much better able to function. After using Bactroban for 2 years and still having cat scans showing acute sinus disease, I had my second sinus surgery. The surgeon’s evaluation after the image-guided procedure was that my lower sinuses were essentially finally clear, but that the sinus and nasal epidermis was inflamed and bled easily wherever touched. And that he did not know the cause or treatment for this (painful) situation. I suffer from much more frequent and severe respiratory infections than before I contracted this unidentified condition, and was recently diagnosed with moderate pulmonary obstructive disease and bronchiectasis (a condition rare in this country except in people with cystic fibrosis or suffering from poverty and lack of medical care.) The pulmonologist, like most physicians I have seen, was scornful of my assertion that I have an ongoing condition, since it is of unknown cause and my white blood cell count and sed rate are usually in the normal range. I am a plant pathologist with a background in microbiology and access to a microscope. Over the years I have attempted to identify something microscopically in my nasal secretions which might explain my condition, and have routinely found blue, clear, and red non-septate fibers and round brown or black structures (and Alternaria spores). (And have not been able to convince any physician to examine this material!). An overheard conversation in 2006 regarding a non-healing lesion from which blue fibers emerged lead me to investigate the description of Morgellons disease and I feel that I do have some form of this disease.”

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Laurie, New York
“I am a professional woman who has continued to work and yet, suffered for the last 10 years with what I KNOW is Morgellons Disease. This has NOT been easy. I have changed doctors, been to 5 dermatologists and finally thought I may be crazy as they told me I was. I was told by one dermatologist to see a psychiatrist and by another that he had no idea what I had. The scars, lesions, and sores that don’t heal for a very long time are real. Doctors, family, friends, employers and general people see them. I have brought samples of fibers from my skin and hair in to be examined. I have had a “punch biopsy” done and guess what – a hairlike fiber was the culprit. I have copied Morgellons material and given it to the doctors and they act like they never read it or paid any real attention to the symptoms, etc. I have wasted money and time to be told I am imagining what is TRULY happening. A co-worker of mine came to work one day and said he saw something on CNN about a new disease – described Morgellons. I stood and said nothing – I don’t want to be deemed crazy by persons who respect me. I can tell you more of the suffering and pain – the embarrassment of sores and continual spots and the tiredness that I feel. The best thing I ever found was the Morgellon’s Foundation – my daughter in Fla. found it by accident – she had heard my descriptions via phone of what was happening to me and called me with the website. Thank God she believed me and knew I wasn’t crazy. Why does the medical field deny this horrible disease?

Please pay attention because it exists and someone in your family may contract it next. It is not a disease you can discuss with friends, employers, or doctors. You go it alone and hope your family doesn’t have to endure what you do. You often don’t sleep, you often can’t think – you try your own remedies – I am willing to go public if I feel I have backing. I cannot afford to have people think I am crazy in my profession.

Thank you for the opportunity to express myself. And, by the way, I have donated to Okalahoma Research to help with this disease – please know it is real.”

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Mary, New York
“I wouldn’t wish this disease on my worst enemy. For three years I have dealt with a condition that has made my life very difficult. My skin has lesions that never go away including on my face, back, arms and legs. I have trouble sleeping at night and during the work day trying not to touch my skin to dig out what’s moving underneath. There is a constant sense of crawling and biting all over my body and things coming out of my skin. I initially thought it was a reaction to being bit by various bugs, but spring came and went many times over and have had my apartment exterminated numerous times and I still have the problem. I sought the advice of dermatologist after dermatologist with numerous diagnoses. These ranged from scabies, to arthropod reaction, hives, hypersensitive skin and that I had a psychological condition.

Imagine trying to find answers and being treated like I am a delusional nut as opposed to an educated person who worked in healthcare for over fifteen years. I have lost all respect for the dermatology profession. I went to other specialists too, infectious disease, allergists who all told me to go back to see a dermatologist. One doctor began to refuse to do a biopsy because “my patients don’t tell me what to do”. I told him my gynecologist, cardiologist and internal medicine all told me to come and get a four punch biopsy. I am still suffering and with few answers.

I found out about the Morgellons Foundation through the New York City Health Department Epidemiology Department. Since New York has been experiencing a severe bedbug problem of which I fell victim to, I thought there had to be others complaining about never-ending skin problems. When I explained my symptoms the staff there said they had just heard about this condition and sent me an article. After reading about Morgellons I said that’s me and then sought more information and registered with the foundation. They recommended a physician who listened, looked at the photos I had taken over time of my skin, ran numerous blood work which indicated some other underlying infections and believes that Morgellons is a real disease. Morgellons is real, we are not delusional. I just want to be healthy again and not have my skin crawling. Please help us find the cause and the cure for this disease. It is only with funds and a commitment of people dedicated to this cause that the suffering we have endured by the condition itself and the medical community will end. Thank you.”

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Maureen, South Carolina
(Maureen lost custody of her son after he began exhibiting symptoms of Morgellons.)
“I have finally felt months of no symptoms. I have finally found a compassionate doctor that cannot fix Morgellons, but he doesn’t think I’m a nut. He saw the fiber in my hand after I said hello to him for the first time.

My son was ripped from me and sent to my parents while I was in hell with this Morgellons. Alone I was bombarded with doctors calling me crazy, the Department of Social Services claiming I harmed my son.

I made sure to get a court appointed attorney while I did everything social services asked me to do (drug tests, parenting classes, anger management, the whole works ). All testing came back that I was ok (I knew I was) and found a compassionate doctor who gave me antibiotics and a kind smile. This war for my family began in August, but my hell with Morgellons has been two years going to date.

The most horrifying thing in all this is that my son, now 13 years old, is showing many signs of Morgellons: the sores, the itching, fatigue to the point he would fall asleep in class, and his teeth rotting out of his head …now that was blamed on me and neglect was on the Judges lips when she got a dental report. As soon as my son was taken, I began to do whatever it took to get better.

I kept doing what I had learned from other Morgellons people to get me better. I became so well that when it came time to go to court. I looked so good that three people asked me if I was an attorney. I could walk for the first time in years without a cane, my thinking and speech were normal and I was beyond better. Not cured, but this was soo sweet!

Phew.. I am the old gal again but the court visit was beyond heart wrenching. I used to be so frail I could hardly walk, who used to look like a cancer survivor with leprosy, who was loosing weight faster than an anorexic could and was barely 118 pounds and dying in August, was now a 140 pound, knockout looks back, and a mind that was sharper than a tack, even the attorney was stunned at the transformation (Its not just the antibiotic — I have changed everything about me here.. the products I use to clean with no chemicals the supplements and more and I am on a fixed income so it wasn’t expensive.

After she started, the Judge said to me that I was doing a great job taking care of me but the dental report showed neglect and this is all I stayed to hear. I knew my son was not coming home the Judge had no idea what I used to look like, so she could not see the transformation and I knew my son was not coming home.

There are many people in my life that know I got better and the horrific thing is my son has this but there is no one who can DX morgellons in him at this time. I have hollard till the cows came home late for dinner about my son. I know I could get him to my doctor perhaps and of course I would hope he’d miss out on the hellish nightmare I and many others have lived through, but at this writing my family is torn and this mother’s heart feels more sorrow than one could imagine.

This is inhumane folks, this is why we all need to pull together and support the Morgellons Research Foundation to get this in a respectable compassionate hand and under a microscope to end these horror movies.

I have spoken to many warm smart people in my journey and will many more. Some gave up, some have lived in a car so infested, a fire ant hill would feel like the plaza hotel. The heart wrenching terror that Morgellons causes is nothing we signed up for, but we have it!”

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Lynne, California
“After a tick bit me in March of 2006, I exhibited many symptoms of Lyme disease and was treated by my primary care physician for several months with very strong antibiotics. Shortly thereafter, I developed classic symptoms of Morgellons disease that continue to totally diminished my quality of life. After biopsies of skin lesions on the back of my neck, my dermatologist’s diagnosis was Delusional Parasitosis. He referred me to a psychiatrist for treatment for paranoia. An infectious disease physician for Monterey County examined the fiber-like filaments (“lint balls”) and seed-like black granules that exit from the non-healing lesions and determined I was not delusional. Although ignorant about Morgellons, he prescribed a low dose of daily antibiotics that has helped the severity of many debilitating symptoms. Still. I am left disabled by nearly total loss of vision in one eye, extreme pain in most joints, slowed mental processing, and overwhelming fatigue. I am hopeful you will be able to bring the increasingly widespread existence of Morgellons disease to the attention of the medical ‘powers that be'”.

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MRF Board Members

Morgellons Research Foundation
Board Members

Board of Directors

  • William T. Harvey, M.D., M.P.H., M.S., Chairman
  • Mary M. Leitao, Executive Director
  • Douglas Buckner, Ph.D., Associate Director
  • Janelle Fossen, Secretary
  • Dale Cowher, CPA, Treasurer
  • Roy Houchins
  • Louise Mandrell


Medical Advisory Board

  • William T. Harvey, M.D., MPH
  • Geoffrey S. Ames, M.D.
  • Robert C. Bransfield, M.D., DFAPA, PC
  • Bradley Hope, M.D.
  • Jed H. Horowitz, M.D., FACS
  • Rebecca Ricchi, RN, ARNP
  • Todd M. Warden, M.D.


Scientific Advisory Board

  • Andrew Bohm, Ph.D.
  • Kenneth A. Curr, Ph.D.
  • Ahmed Kilani, Ph.D., MT( ASCP)
  • Joseph A. Price, Ph.D.
  • Cynthia A.Villarimo, Ph.D


Nursing Advisor

  • Barbara Johnson, BS, RN


Director of Media and Public Relations
Candice Han



Contribution of Agrobacterium to Morgellons Disease.
RB Stricker, VR Savely, A Zaltsman, V Citovsky

California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA
International Lyme & Associated Diseases Society, Bethesda, MD
State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY.

Background: Morgellons disease is characterized by dysesthesias and dermatologic lesions that range from minor to disfiguring (Savely VR, LeitaoMM, Stricker RB. Am J Clin Dermatol 2006;7:1-5). The disease has been reported primarily in Florida, Texas and California. Although an infectious etiology of Morgellons disease has been postulated, treatment of the disease remains problematic, with many patients having inadequate responses to antimicrobial therapy. Skin biopsies of Morgellons patients reveal non-specific pathology or an inflammatory process with no observable pathogens, often with fibrous material projecting from inflamed epidermal tissue. Morgellons skin fibers appear to contain cellulose. This observation indicates possible involvement of pathogenic Agrobacterium, which is known to produce cellulose fibers at infection sites within host tissues. Methods: Skin biopsy samples from two Morgellons patients were subjected to high-stringency PCR testing for genes encoded by the Agrobacterium chromosome. Screening of the same samples for Agrobacterium virulence (vir) genes and T-DNA sequences in the patient’s genome was also performed. Results: PCR screening indicated the presence of Agrobacterium genes derived both from the chromosome and from the Ti plasmid, including the T-DNA, in tissues from both Morgellons patients. Conclusions: Our preliminary results indicate that Agrobacterium may be involved in the etiology and/or progression of Morgellons disease. If these results are confirmed, it would be the first example of a plant-infecting bacterium playing a role in human disease.

Further testing is ongoing to validate this observation and to determine whether Agrobacterium not only resides in the infected areas, but also transforms them genetically.

Research Update, January 14, 2007
Vitaly Citovsky, Ph.D.

Our continuing screen of additional Morgellons patients has identified Agrobacterium genetic material in three additional individuals. Thus, all Morgellons patients screened to date have tested positive for the presence of Agrobacterium, whereas this microorganism has not been detected in any of the samples derived from the control, healthy individuals.

SEM Images of Morgellons Patients’ Fibers and Lesions, SUNY
Below, please see eight SEM (Scanning Electron Micrograph) images generated by Dr. Citovsky’s research group at SUNY Stonybrook.

(We would like to thank Mark Darrah, Research Director of the Morgellons Project in Dr Citovsky’s lab, for arranging for the SEM imaging which was done at the Materials Science and Engineering Dept, Stony Brook University. Dr Citovsky’s group, under the direction of Mark, is continuing to research Morgellons disease and we will share new information from his group as it becomes available to us.)

Image 1: White Fiber – Calcite covered
Image 2: Green Fiber emitting microscopic Alumina “rock”
Image 3: Ribbon-like fiber coated with minerals with a cylindrical fiber and faceted fiber adjacent
Image 4: Skin Lesion of patient one with fibers stabbing through epidermis – note the smaller fibers
Image 5: Skin lesion of patient two with large and small fibers as in patient one


mage 1: White Fiber – Calcite covered





Image 2: Green Fiber emitting microscopic Alumina “rock”




Image 3: Ribbon-like fiber coated with minerals with a cylindrical fiber and faceted fiber adjacent




Image 4: Skin Lesion of patient one with fibers stabbing through epidermis – note the smaller fibers




Image 5: Skin lesion of patient two with large and small fibers as in patient one




Image 6: Vesicles under epidermis of patient two connected by “filaments”




Image 7: Lower magnification of vesicles from patient two




Image 8: Vesicles under epidermis from patient one (blurred due to sample movment during SEM)




This work was supported by a grant provided by:
The Morgellons Research Foundation
PO BOX 357, Guilderland, NY

Phase 1: Recovery of Morgellons-Related Particles
from Water Samples


The descriptive information below is a phase I summary report presenting the findings of an investigative research study. This work is supported through a grant from the Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF). Phase I is the first of three phases proposed in this research project. Phase I is a “look-see” initial study to determine what, if any, organisms, pathogens and/or materials in household water samples may be associated with Morgellons Disease. Phase I is only a findings presentation and no conclusions as to association and/or cause of Morgellons Disease are drawn. This initial phase lays the ground work for phases II and III as well as future research projects.

It is hoped that this information will encourage other researchers and scholars with knowledge in this field, to contribute to the present information base by becoming involved in this and additional research studies related to Morgellons disease.

Phase I – Brief Summary

There are six particle types that are consistently recovered from the skin surface of those suffering from Morgellons disease, 1) ribbon-like fibers, 2) rounded fibers, 3) capsule-like particles, 4) black flakes/grains, 5) worm-like particles, and 6) stellate-shaped (“starfish-shaped”) particles. The fibers are often pigmented and may luminesce under ultraviolet light.

Current Morgellons research at a laboratory in Massachusetts shows that individuals affected by Morgellons disease have been in contact with soil and/or water containing cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), algae, aquatic fungi, water molds and lichen (algae and fungi). This assemblage of organisms, and associated bacterial populations, is common in soil and aquatic environments where cryptobiotic soils are present and/or in environments where nutrient rich conditions promote the development of algae blooms.

Dermal contact with a water source and/or inhalation of aerial dust containing cyanobacteria and algae may lead to the progressive colonization of organisms that are capable of feeding on or consuming these photosynthetic producers, thus contributing to the wide range of symptoms reported by Morgellons sufferers. Incidental growth of these opportunistic populations, such as actinomyces, aquatic fungi and true fungi, are known to promote disease in humans, as they consist of species capable of degrading either cellulose or keratin (skin/hair). Evidence for the presence of opportunistic micro- organisms in samples is indicated by the occurrence of capsule-like Morgellons particles that have been identified as parasitized pine pollen grains. Chytrid populations are obligate parasites of frogs, nematodes, algae, cyanobacteria, plants, and pine pollen (see photo below).

These findings serve as a focus for further understanding the ecological significance of the organisms identified in this study and the role they may play as causative agents of Morgellons disease.

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Phase 1 Report
Recovery of Morgellons-Related Particles
from Water Samples


1.0 Introduction
2.0 Methods
3.0 Recovery of Morgellons Particles In Hot Water Tank Samples
3.1 Ribbon-like fibers
3.2 Rounded fibers
3.3 Capsule-like particles
3.4 Stellate-shaped (starfish-shaped) particles
3.5 Worm-like particles
3.6 Black flakes
4.0 Ultraviolet Fiber Counts-Before Tank Removal and after Pipe Replacement
5.0 Microscopic Observations-Before Tank Removal and after Pipe Replacement
6.0 Culture Results- Before Tank Removal and after Pipe Replacement
6.1 Total coliform bacteria
6.2 Heterotrophic bacteria
6.3 Fungi/Yeasts
6.4 Membrane Filter Growth
7.0 Fiber Culture Study
8.0 Sample Preservation and Archival
9.0 Ecological Significance
10.0 Summary and Conclusions
10.1 Ribbon-like fibers
10.2 Rounded fibers
10.3 Capsule-like particles
10.4 Stellate-shaped (starfish-shaped) particles
10.5 Worm-like particles
10.6 Black flakes


There are six particle types that are consistently recovered from the skin surface of those suffering from Morgellons disease, 1) ribbon-like fibers, 2) rounded fibers, 3) capsule-like particles, 4) black flakes/grains, 5) worm-like particles, and 6) stellate-shaped (“starfish-shaped”) particles. The fibers are often pigmented and may luminesce under ultraviolet light. These six particle types were recovered from a hot water tank that was suspected of harboring contaminants causing chronic skin irritation and other debilitating symptoms to the scalp, neck and shoulders of the homeowner. The hot water tank had been idle for more than 2 years and is thought to have been contaminated by soil/groundwater organisms. Replacement of the hot water system and water pipes eliminated these contaminants and resulted in a marked improvement in the homeowner’s health. Microscopic examination and microbial analysis of water samples collected before hot tank removal show the presence of numerous fiber-producing microorganisms. Tentative identification is based on morphological characteristics and include the following primary organisms of interest: 1) gliding bacteria, cyanobacteria or blue-green algae, and rhizosphere bacteria (slime-producing bacteria), 2) actinomyces (spore-forming filamentous bacteria), 2) plasmodial slime molds, oomycete water molds, chytrids and algae (protists), and 3) zygomycetes and ascomycetes (fungi/yeast). Of particular interest is the keratin degrading aquatic fungi or chytrids. Evidence for their presence in hot water tank samples is indicated by the occurrence of capsule-like Morgellons particles that have been identified as parasitized pine pollen grains. Chytrid populations are obligate parasites of frogs, nematodes, algae, cyanobacteria, and plants. Based on the findings of this Phase I study it is proposed that prolonged dermal exposure to algae-rich conditions may promote the incidental growth of opportunistic keratin degrading populations causing chronic symptoms associated with Morgellons disease. These findings serve as a focus for further understanding the ecological significance of the organisms identified in this study and the role they may play as causative agents for this disease. Membrane filters, culture slants, and water samples have been archived for further study.

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1.0 Introduction

Morgellons disease is often overlooked or dismissed because our current knowledge of the causative agent(s) is limited. However, symptoms associated with this condition have been reported by thousands of individuals in the United States alone, and examination of particles recovered from affected individuals show a remarkable similarity in morphology.

Morgellons disease is a “fiber disease” that presents as a chronic skin condition accompanied by itching, burning, and crawling sensations. As the disease progresses, fibers of unknown origin are found to protrude from the pores of the skin surface and/or from skin lesions. Other debilitating symptoms may accompany these primary symptoms and include general weakness, fatigue, and mental impairment. The disease is progressive and life threatening, and has been shown to cause neurological problems in some individuals.

In January 2008, a laboratory in Massachusetts received samples of cold and hot water collected from a private residence where it was believed that the hot water tank might contain contaminants associated with a chronic skin condition. The property owner reported symptoms of itching, burning, stinging, and crawling sensations on the scalp, neck, and shoulder regions. Fatigue and weakness also reportedly compromised the overall health of the owner. The history of the property revealed that the hot water tank had not been used in over 2 years.

Microscopic examination of water samples collected from the hot water tank, the shower, and kitchen locations revealed the presence of conspicuously colored filaments and other particles. Sketches and descriptions of 6 distinct particle types were recorded:

  • ribbon-like filaments (clear, blue, red, green, black)
  • rounded, smooth filaments in single strands or in loosely interwoven balls
  • capsule-like structures (gray)
  • starfish-shaped particles
  • worm-like tubes
  • black, irregular-edged flakes

The hot water tank sample contains an abundance of all 6 particle types, whereas the hot shower sample contains only long, rod-shaped cells (red or blue) presumably related to the filaments found in the hot water tank samples. The cold water sample did not contain any of the 6 particle types. Hot water samples, especially the hot shower sample also contained a thick biofilm population associated with the shower plumbing.

While researching the possible origins of these particles, several reports were found that described particles remarkably similar, if not identical, to those described above. These 6 particle types are commonly recovered from the skin surface of those suffering from Morgellons disease and are shown in Figure 1.

Individuals suffering from Morgellons exhibit chronic skin infections ranging from mild (rashes and dryness) to severe infections (unidentified fibers that exude from skin pores and/or lesions). After reviewing reports that described fibers or filaments associated with Morgellons, which luminesce under UV light, a UV lamp (360 nm) was used to confirm that the fibers obtained from the hot water tank and hot water shower contained luminescent blue, green, and red filaments. Based on the presence of these fibers, and other particle types from the hot water tank, the property owner replaced the hot water tank with a passive hot water system.

A second round of water samples were collected and submitted for analysis after the new hot water system was installed. Samples from cold (kitchen) and hot (shower) water sources were analyzed for the presence of Morgellons-related particles to confirm that the hot water plumbing no longer contained luminescent fibers. UV fiber counts, however, were higher after tank removal, most likely resulted from pipe disturbance during tank removal. The well- developed, sticky biofilm coating on the inside of the hot water pipes (produced by slime-producing bacteria) is likely to have captured UV filaments over time which were then sloughed off during pipe disturbance when the hot water tank was removed. The higher counts reported for the hot water shower sample coincided with an increase in symptoms experienced by the property owner who reportedly used the shower after the tank had been removed. Based on these results, the owner replaced the cold and hot water plumping on the property.

A final round of water sample analysis was performed after the plumbing had been replaced. No indication of water contamination with Morgellons-related particles was found in these samples and the health of the property owner improved markedly. During completion of this study, investigation into the possible source of these particles was initiated. Water samples, membrane filter concentrates, microscopic slides and cultures deemed of value for further research were archived. A phased approach for further studies was submitted to the Morgellons Research Foundation.

The tasks associated with each research phase are detailed in a Grant Proposal provided to the Morgellons Research Foundation. The long-term goal is to provide screening services to individuals affected by Morgellons disease, and to collect database information and samples that would be made available for future research studies.

This report documents the recovery of Morgellons-related particles during the Phase I study of the water samples collected from the residence before, during, and after hot water tank and pipe removal. Microscopic observations, microbial culture results, and the ecological significance of organisms identified are reviewed with respect to identifying the role they may play as causative agents of Morgellons and the possible origin of the particle types associated with this disease. This study is considered preliminary, with tentative identification of organisms based on morphological and growth characteristics. Water samples, particles, and cultures were archived for future study.

A total of 15 samples (Table 1), were analyzed before hot water tank removal, during pipe replacement, and after pipe replacement over the course of 3 months (January through March 2008). This Phase I study is based on the following assumptions:

  • Morgellons disease is a “fiber disease” that presents as a chronic skin condition and is accompanied by itching, burning, and crawling sensations. Skin symptoms can range from mild (rashes, burning, crawling sensations) to severe (fiber growth and open lesions).
  • Individuals with severe symptoms have reported the presence of six common Morgellons particle-types.
  • Burning and crawling sensations experienced by the homeowner occur on the scalp, neck and shoulder regions, and is believed to have resulted from exposure to “contaminants” during hot water shower use. Hot water tank samples were found to contain an abundance of Morgellons-related particles.
  • Fibers are considered to be biological in origin.

Water sample results from this Phase I study are summarized and the characteristics of contaminated samples collected before tank and pipe removal are compared with contaminant-free samples collected after pipe replacement.

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2.0 Methods

Water samples were submitted for analysis in clean, one-gallon containers and were processed upon receipt. Samples were processed for archival purposes, for microscopic examination, and for microbial culture isolation. For sample archiving, a 750 ml portion of each water sample was membrane filtered (0.45 um) to concentrate particulate matter onto sterile filters that were then placed into sterile containers containing 100 ml of the original water sample. Sample concentrates have been refrigerated at 2oC for future study.

Each water sample was prepared for microscopic study by filtering 250 ml and 500 ml portions through sterile 0.45 um membrane filters. During filtration, an aliquot of the filter concentrate was transferred to sterile glass microscope slides. Filters and microscope (wet and dry) slide mounts were examined under a phase contrast microscope (40 x to 4000 x) and under an UV (360 nm) light source. The number of UV fibers recovered on the filters was counted for each water sample as an initial means of evaluating the degree of water sample contamination. Selective media was used to culture heterotrophic bacteria (R2 agar), total coliform bacteria (mEndo agar), and fungi/yeast (Sabsouraud dextrose agar) by placing membrane filters (100 ml portions from each sample) onto the agar surface. Cultures were grown at 35o C for 24 hours (total coliform), 48 hours (heterotrophs), and for 5 days at 20o C (fungi/yeast). Standard sterile procedures were used to culture and to preserve colonies of interest on agar slants for future study (1).

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3.0 Recovery of Morgellons-related Particles
in Hot Water Tank Samples

Particles similar to those described by individuals suffering from Morgellons disease were recovered from hot water tank water samples. The tank is known to have remained idle for more than 2 years. The conspicuous presence of these particles indicates that the homeowner’s symptoms may be Morgellons-related. Selected photographs of each of the 6 particle-types recovered from the hot water tank sample are shown in Figure 1 and are briefly described below. A more detailed discussion of their probable/possible origin is summarized in Section 10.0

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3.1 Ribbon-like fibers

Abundant flat, ribbon-like filaments of varying size and color are present in the hot tank water sample, suggesting that there are multiple biological sources for these particles. Sizes range from widths of 1 um to 1 mm, and lengths of 10 um to 3 cm. These delicate, thread-like filaments occurred in red, blue, green, brown, gray, and white, and range from translucent to opaque. Translucent varieties display a linear core region.

Most filaments occur as single strands, although there are ribbon-like fibers also found in interwoven “fuzzballs” (see below). Clear or white filaments were observed to luminesce under UV light, emitting primarily blue, green, and less commonly red colors.

Ribbon-like fibers were occasionally found to grade from a rounded, tube-like morphology into a flattened ribbon-like form, indicating that upon aging the original morphology was disrupted (or degraded) over time.

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3.2 Rounded fibers

Rounded fibers also abundant and occur in similar sizes and colors (including black) as those described for the ribbon-like fibers. This suggests that both fiber-types may originate from similar biological sources. Rounded fibers are thread-like, lack cross-walls (aseptate) and occur singly or in entangled masses. Some forms show marked rigidity with conspicuous textures ranging from smooth (hollow, sheath-like), to banded (with vacuoles), scaly, or ropy. These textured fibers are also longer than most of the other fiber-types (1 cm to 3 cm).

Interwoven “fuzzballs” (entangled masses) consist of numerous pigmented fibers intertwined into a conspicuous structure. These often consist of a variety of ribbon-like and rounded filaments, with translucent varieties exhibiting fluorescence under UV light. Although rounded fibers occur primarily as single strands, many are likely to have originated from these interwoven masses.

For both ribbon-like and rounded fibers it was noted that a single strand could vary in color, with one portion grading into another color. Aged rounded fibers were also observed to be “shedding” or “peeling” an outer sheath.

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3.3 Capsule-like particles

Oval, capsule-like particles do not vary appreciably in size (50 um x 100 um) or color (pale gray) which suggest a common origin for these particles. Upon close inspection, the region between the darker pole areas consists of a translucent, light gray membrane appearing as a deflated membranous envelope. These particles are often found among entangled filaments.

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3.4 Stellate-shaped (starfish) particles

These structures vary in size and color, although all seem to consist of 6 to 9 “tentacles”. There are two distinct forms present; clear or translucent varieties 1-2 mm in diameter with tubular or flattened (ribbon-like) “arms”, and larger, light brown opaque varieties up to 3 mm in diameter also with ribbon-like “arms”. Both varieties appear to consist of hyphae-like extensions originating from a single source point (monocentric thallus).

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3.5 Worm-like particles

Particles resembling jelly-like worm tubes (3 um x 2 mm) were observed to be slightly curved and translucent. These particles are not abundant and do not contain any structures consistent with invertebrates (mouth parts, intestines etc.). In some cases their proximity to partially intact stellate-shaped particles clearly suggest that these worm-like tubes may be “tentacle” fragments. None of these worm-like particles exhibit motility or were associated with egg larvae.

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3.6 Black specks/flakes

The ubiquitous distribution of black flakes in nature is problematic in the study of these particles in relation to human disease. Potential inorganic (iron, sulfur, manganese etc.) and organic detritus sources abound. The study of these particles is perhaps best performed from skin samples.

Well-documented cases of black-grained mycetomas caused by fungi and/or actinomycetes (filamentous bacteria) indicate that dematiaceous (dark colored) hyphae-producing microbes account for the dark grains associated with these skin conditions (2). There are however, other unexplored sources that may merit further consideration as the ecology of Morgellons-related particle associations are better understood. Of particular interest are the black flakes observed to occur along the hyphae of an aquatic fungal colony (chytrid) recovered from the hot water tank (Figure 4A). Note that a black coating occurs along the entire length of one of the branched hyphae.

These 6 particle types occur only in hot tank water samples and suggest that their source originated from town drinking water flowing through the water mains. The integrity and condition of these water mains is likely to have an impact on the residence’s water quality.

Phase I water samples were filtered and microscopically examined before and after tank and pipe replacement to ensure that particles had been removed from the residence.

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4.0 Ultraviolet Fiber Counts- Before Tank Removal and After Pipe Replacement

Examination of membrane filters reveal an abundance of UV luminescent fibers in water samples before hot tank replacement and before pipe installation is complete, with hot water samples containing more fibers than cold water samples ((Table 2). Although UV luminescence is known to occur widely in nature and in itself is not an indicator of conditions adverse to human health, the relative ease of enumeration and reported association with Morgellons skin disease resulted in their use as a general marker for potential water contamination.

Translucent/clear ribbon-like and rounded fibers were found to emit blue or blue-green luminescence, and in a few cases, red. Interwoven “fuzzballs” and red UV luminescent fibers were recovered in hot water tank samples only. A typical membrane filter from the hot water tank containing abundant UV fibers is shown in Figure 2.

Microscope slide mounts were also prepared during membrane filtration and were examined to identify other characteristic structures present.

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5.0 Microscopic Observations- Before Tank Removal and After Pipe Replacement

In addition to the six Morgellons-related particles present in hot water tanks samples (Figure 3), additional structures of interest were also present and are shown in Figure 4. Microscope slide mounts show a diversity of structures including aquatic fungal (chytrid) colonies (note black coating along hyphae), bacterial colonies, biofilm from the tank walls, and structures indicative of the presence of actinomyces, blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), and algae. Circular cell arrangements (L) have been found to occur in both tank and shower samples before new pipes were installed, and are likely associated with populations indicative of poor water quality.

In contrast to the hot water tank samples that contain all 6 particle types, hot shower water samples contained only the ribbon-like and rounded fibers. Microscope slide mounts of water samples before tank and pipe replacement contain numerous microscopic features of note (Figure 4). In addition to ribbon-like and rounded fibers, the following conspicuous structures are also present:

  • Long, hyphae-like filaments, possibly fiber fragments or immature stages of rounded fibers found in hot water tank samples. Rod-shaped cells display red, or less commonly blue, pigmentation and are 4-20 um in length (A).
  • Triangular arrangements of rod-shaped cells characteristic of aquatic fungal spores (chytrids), 5 um in length (B).
  • Spores/hyphae with red or blue pigmentation indicative of actinomyces, 0.5-1.0 um (C).
  • Clear “crystals” consisting of 6-sided polyhedral shapes (3-8 um) often containing green, rod-shaped cells characteristic of slime-encapsulated algae/cyanobacteria cells (D).
  • Various rounded structures, often colonized by bacterial cells, characteristic of unicellular algae (E).
  • Circular/oval structures resembling sporangia or oogonium characteristic of water molds (F)
  • Round to oval spore-bearing sporangia characteristic of var. hyphae-producing organisms (G).
  • Abundant germ tube structures (bacteria, protists, or yeasts, not shown).

Despite the abundance of Morgellons-related particles in hot water tank samples, it is apparent that the shower head acts as a “sieve” filtering out all but the smallest particles. It is likely that the long, pigmented hyphae-like fragments found in shower water are related to the larger fibers or filaments present in hot tank water. Unless the larger filaments in the hot tank remain viable under thermophilic conditions, it is likely that temperatures above 60oC combined with agitated water tank conditions results in the fragmentation of the original fibers and the dispersal of resting or resistant stages of filament-producing organisms. Upon release of these structures into a more conducive growth environment (through the shower head), filaments may then be able to resume normal growth. The other structures, such as the “clear crystals”, slime-encapsulated algal cells, are present due to their ecological association with these filamentous microorganisms, and/or may be juvenile forms of the larger filament. The microscopic structures described above may play important roles in the origin of the particle types associated with Morgellons and should not be overlooked.

None of these microscopic structures are found in cold water samples or in samples collected after the hot water tank and pipes had been replaced. These samples are considered to be free of “contaminants”. The structures described above are considered to represent the primary structures indicative of “contaminated” water conditions for kitchen, tub, and shower water. Organisms tentatively identified with these structures are considered common soil/freshwater inhabitants and are considered to have originated from town water, at the source, or during transport through the water mains where soils come in contact with flowing water.

Phase I samples were cultured for bacterial and fungi/yeast populations using selective media to further elucidate the types of organisms present in the water samples before and after pipe replacement.

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6.0 Culture Results- Before Tank Removal and After Pipe Replacement
6.1 Total Coliform Bacteria

Culture results for total coliform bacteria, heterotrophic plate counts, and fungi/yeast counts are presented in (Table 3), for all Phase I water samples. Total coliform populations are commonly used to assess the water quality of drinking water. Their presence is used as an indicator to the potential presence of other pathogenic microorganisms known to be detrimental to human health if ingested (1). Results show that total coliform bacteria occur only in hot water shower samples before tank and pipe replacement, indicating that water from this source could have posed a health concern if consumed. Hot water tank samples do not contain total coliform populations, most likely because elevated temperatures prevented growth of these non-spore-forming microbes. Their presence in hot shower samples, however, indicates that biofilm communities coating the pipes protect the bacterial population from excessive heat. Shower pipes were reportedly the oldest original plumping remaining on the property. Upon pipe replacement, hot shower samples no longer contain coliform bacteria.

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6.2 Heterotrophic Bacteria

Heterotrophic bacterial cultures confirm the presence of heavy biofilm growth in the plumbing, particularly before tank and pipe replacement ((Table 3). Cultures containing confluent or spreading bacterial growth and/or TNTC populations indicate that slime-producing biofilms have colonized tank and pipe surfaces. It was noted that the membrane filters containing confluent growth are stained blue, and may be attributed to the production of a soluble blue pigment, indochrome, that is produced by streptomycete populations (2).

Although normal biofilm microflora are present in all water systems, where a complex community of surface-associated microbes are enclosed within a polysaccaride slime matrix, incidental “contamination” or colonization of biofilms by pathogenic organisms is recognized as an important concern in human health (4). Biofilms have been increasingly recognized as sources of opportunistic pathogens, particularly as causative agents of nosocomial (hospital-related) infections. Biofilms have been found to be involved in a wide variety of chronic opportunistic infections of mucosal and systemic sites (sinusitis, urinary tract infections, middle-ear infections, dental plaque, gingivitis, endocarditis, infections of cystic fibrosis). The persistence of many infections has been shown to be related to enhanced antibiotic production by populations to ensure survival in a highly competitive environment. This in turn has lead to an alarming increase in population resistance to antimicrobial agents that make infections difficult to treat.

As shown in Figure 5, antibiotic-producing actinomyces populations are found to occur in hot water tank populations. A clearing (inhibition) zone surrounding the antibiotic-producing population is present and confirms that the hot water tank is the source of potentially harmful biofilm organisms. Microscope slide mounts of the antibiotic-producing population show a growth morphology consistent with actinomyces, whereas the surrounding population is consistent with gliding bacteria.

Slime-producing, filamentous forms that have been tentatively identified in hot water tank and shower samples include: myxobacteria, cytophagales, cyanobacteria, and root-associated nitrogen fixing bacteria (3, 5,6). An important non-filament producing microorganism that is widely known to occur in biofilms is the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa and should not be overlooked in considering possible causative agents involved in Morgellons disease.

As pipes are replaced (Table 3), fast growing, confluent biofilm populations are eliminated, allowing slower-growing populations to develop. Clear, punctiform (pin head-sized) colonies (i.e. rhizosphere bacteria) and brightly-colored yellow and orange colonies (i.e. myxobacteria) can now be discerned, and are considered to represent the normal composition of microflora associated with water entering the property.

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6.3 Fungi/Yeast Populations

Prior to tank and pipe replacement fungi/yeast water sample populations consisted of an abundance (TNTC) of fast growing, pasty, tan-colored yeast colonies that coated the membrane filters. It is likely that mucoidal colonies of actinomyces bacteria also occured in these cultures as they are able to degrade the complex substrates that make the Sabs media fungi/yeast-selective. Cultures have been archived for further study, particularly with regard to the presence of pathogenic Candidia species, also a known component of biofilms (7). Filamentous fungal colonies were isolated only from hot water tank samples and included 1 type of dematiaceous (dark pigmentation), and 3 light tan to olive-colored types. These have also been archived to assess the potential presence of fungal dermatophytes.

Following pipe replacement, water sample cultures, with the exception of the cold kitchen sample, show that fungi/yeast populations have been eliminated. It is likely that frequent food-related contaminants, specifically yeast, were present in this post- replacement kitchen sample.

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6.4 Membrane Filter Growth

In addition to cultures grown on selective agar media, populations requiring minimal nutrient conditions were encouraged to grow on moistened membrane filters (100 ml to 500 ml) from hot water tank samples. Slow-growing protists (slime molds, water molds) and fungi (zygomycetes) were observed at 8 weeks (Figure 6). Diagnostic features used for tentative identification include: slime mold structures (plasmodia, coiled spore-bearing capillitia, stalked sporangia), water mold structures (cobweb-like aseptate hyphae, oogonia, antheridium, fertilization tubes, sporangia), and zygomycete fungi/yeast structures (germ tubes, zygospores, sporangiophores, sporangia, somatic hyphae, and rhizoids).

Microscope slides were also re-examined after 8 weeks without prior moistening. Of particular note was the colonization of rounded fibers by filamanetous, slime-producing gliding bacteria (Figure 7). As a result of the low nutrient and dry conditions of the glass slide, gliding motility was facilitated for these organisms and explains why growth was not previously observed in freshly prepared wet mounts. The lack of fruiting structures indicates that the colonies are most likely members of the genus Cytophagales, a common soil/water inhabitant capable of degrading chitin and cellulose (3).

Unpublished fiber data suggest that the composition of Morgellons-related body fibers consist of cellulose. However, further studies are needed to more fully characterize the composition(s) of the various Morgellons-related fibers present. The delicate thread-like morphology of these fibers often makes it difficult to isolate individual strands without damage. During Phase I study it was noted that special care is needed to prevent contamination during recovery of Morgellons-related fibers. Airborne fibers were found to be problematic, particularly with UV luminescent fibers from clothing and plastic sources. In addition to contaminant concerns, fiber studies need to carefully distinguish between dermal sources, including skin depth sampled, and environmental sources (water or air born fibers).

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7.0 Hot Water Tank Fiber Culture Study

A preliminary investigation to determine whether fibers recovered from the hot water tank were viable and could grow under heterotrophic, aerobic conditions was conducted. Black, green, and red fibers from hot water tank samples were placed on the surface of a pour plate containing tryptic soy agar and incubated at 35oC for 6 weeks. The plate was examined daily to observe progressive changes (Figure 8).

Initial growth consisted of the formation of clear “crystals”, encapsulated algal cells, studded throughout the agar (some 6-sided) which coincided with the formation of greenish pigmentation throughout the agar substrate. Following algal growth, the agar surface was rapidly covered with confluent gray/brown bacterial growth. Conspicuous raised circular ridge formation was followed by the development of brown/black clusters of filaments inside the circles (Figure 8A and Figure 8C). These features are consistent with actinomycete morphology and development (8). Actinomyces are known to feed on living algae (and other organisms) and are often found in association with algae mats.

Translucent, green filaments up to 2 mm in length were also noted after 2 weeks. A wet slide mount revealed the presence of a blue-green UV luminescent fiber, characteristic of blue-green algae or cyanobacteria that produce phycocyanin, a blue, soluble luminescent pigment. None of the original fibers displayed longitudinal growth suggesting that fibers are sterile or that growth conditions were not adequate to facilitate further growth. Colonization of the agar by algae and bacteria is likely to have been initiated by microbes that had adhered to the surfaces of the introduced fibers.

Of particular note was a clearing zone observed at 10 days surrounding an introduced red fiber (Figure 8B). This inhibition zone confirms that antibiotic and/or toxin producing microbes are present as shown in previous hot water tank biofilm cultures (Figure 5).

At 4 weeks, actinomycete cyst formation occurred on the agar surface (with white, felty colony growth surrounding the cyst. Numerous translucent fibers were also present (Figure 8C and Figure 8E). Final observations at 6 weeks include the formation of abundant clear, rectangular “crystals” consisting of sheathed filaments of cyanobacteria containing typical elongated akinete cells or spores (Figure 8D). It was noted that the black fiber introduced onto the agar surface had turned red, perhaps as a result of surface bacteria dispersing into the agar over time, revealing the fiber’s “true” color (Figure 8F).

The presence of cyanobacteria, algae, and actinomyces in this fiber culture is consistent with observations of microscope slide mounts for hot water tank and shower samples.

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8.0 Water Sample/Particle Preservation and Archival

Membrane filters containing fibers and other Morgellons-related particles have been archived under sterile conditions. Water sample concentrates and selected cultures (slants) have been refrigerated for further study. All microscope slide mounts have been secured under sterile conditions. (Table 4), lists all archived samples from the Phase I study.

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9.0 Ecological Significance

A summary of the tentatively-identified microorganisms that were observed during this study is presented in (Table 5). These are considered to be the primary organisms of interest for further Phase II Morgellons-related studies. There are three groups of filament-producing organisms that occur in Phase I water samples: bacteria, protists, and fungi/yeasts. Selected characteristics for each group were reviewed to provide an overview of their potential ecological significance in relation to each other and to their origin. Characteristics selected for review are based on the following Morgellons-related considerations:

  • terrestrial vs. aquatic predominance (motility and dispersal)
  • reported symptoms of itching, crawling, burning (motility, toxins)
  • filamentous structures and morphology (growth habit)
  • capsule-like particles (resting stages, reproductive structures, parasitology)
  • black-flake particles (resting stages, coatings or films from secondary metabolites)
  • UV and non-UV pigmentation
  • stellate-structures (hyphae morphology, germination morphology)
  • cell wall composition (cellulose vs.chitin)
  • nutrient requirements (ability to degrade various substrates)
  • ecology (where they are found, i.e. stagnant water conditions, and what role they play)
  • human health (known reported diseases)

Based on these characteristics it is evident that most of the organisms of interest would flourish under stagnant or calm hot water tank conditions. Aquatic organisms would reside in the water column and include the water molds, algae, and chytrids. Biofilm-related populations associated with the tank walls would include the slime-producing gliding bacteria, cyanobacteria, and nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Actinomyces, present in both aquatic and terrestrial (tank wall) habitats, would be abundant, feeding on algae and other detritus. These are known not only for their unique keratin degrading abilities (skin and hair), but are also for their ability to degrade many other substrates that other microorganisms find difficult or are unable to degrade. Antibiotic production also gives them an added advantage as successful competitors.

Based on the limited abundance of filamentous varieties of “true” fungi (cell walls composed of chitin) isolated from Phase I samples, and that Morgellons-related fibers consist of aseptate rather than septate varieties, it is probable that fungi are limited to the more primitive zygomycetes (pin molds). The occurrence of yeast in Phase I cultures are of importance as certain species are known to cause serious human diseases, particularly the dark colored, dimorphic varieties that alternate between hyphae-producing and budding life-cycles.

The organisms listed in (Table 5), constitute an interrelated ecosystem, where some play roles as symbiants (cyanobacteria, protists, zygomycetes) and others as predators (gliding bacteria, actinomycetes, chytrids, protists). Most of these organisms are primarily soil inhabitants that were transported from their natural soil or terrestrial habitat into an aquatic water tank environment. The incidental transport of aquatic species from wet soils into an “artificial” environment where “natural” components of a fresh water system are lacking (and, similarly, where terrestrial components are missing for the soil organisms) means that organisms adapted to their new environment. The blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) and green/brown algae occupy the lowest tier in the food web as “producers” (photosynthetic plant matter), followed by the “consumers” that graze on algae and living microorganism, and lastly by the “decomposers” that breakdown the decaying organic matter. The lack of sunlight stimulated the formation of resting stages for photosynthetic algae, those species able to grow under darkness became dominant. Other organisms would also resort to resting stages (spores, cysts) as nutrients were consumed.

A notable aquatic component that is lacking in this “artificial” closed (tank) system is other freshwater grazers such as zooplankton that are known to feed on chytrids. An abundance of chytrids may have occurred under stagnant tank conditions given the lack of this important consumer. Chytrid populations are of particular interest because they produce aseptate filaments similar to those described for Morgellons-related fibers. In addition to cellulose, they are also able to degrade keratin (skin and hair), an unusual trait shared by only one other aseptate hyphae-producing organism of interest, the actinomyces. Both are parasitic to another common tank inhabitant, notably the blue-green bacteria and the algae. It is proposed that the ecological relationships between these three groups of organisms of interest play a dominant role in the progression of Morgellons disease:

  • cyanobacteria and algae (producers)
  • actinomyces and chytrids (cellulose and keratin consumers)
  • slime-producing bacteria and slime molds (algae decomosers)

Initial human exposure to hot water flowing from an environment that contains elevated populations of algae, actinomyces, and chytrids, and where surfaces are heavily coated with biofilm microflora could result in a range of dermal contact symptoms. The severity and longevity of these symptoms would depend on the relative proportions of cellulose- and keratin- degrading organisms, as well as the duration of dermal exposure. Upon release from the shower head, algal cells would adhere to an individual’s skin surface, followed by colonization of the algae by cellulose degrading organisms (algae plant pathogens), including the incidental colonization of the skin surface by species capable of degrading keratin (notably actinomyces and chyrtids). Plant pathogens are known to cause human diseases precisely in this way, where substrate colonization is incidental, and they establish themselves as an opportunistic pathogen in humans (9, 10). Dead algae are in turn colonized by alga decomposers, thus completing the food cycle.

The progression of infection proposed above (aquatic) could also be envisioned for aerial dust rich in algae and filamentous cyanobacteria. Airborne algae in dust is well known, especially in association with soil algal “blooms”. Actinomyces and chytrids (pine pollen parasites) are also reported to occur in aerial dust. It is interesting to note that although aerial dust samples can contain particles that are to be composed of a particular composition, such as cellulose, the composition of the actual disease-causing skin fibers may not coincide. Studies that focus on cell wall composition of Morgellons-related fibers should use fibers specifically collected from skin samples, and should not be confused with fibers from water or aerial dust sources.

Mild to moderate chronic skin conditions, such as dryness and/or rashes, could occur if exposure to water (and/or air born dust) rich in cellulose-containing organisms (algae and/or molds) was temporary or a single event. Skin colonization by opportunistic pathogens (actinomyces and chytrids) would therefore be minimal. More severe and chronic symptoms, however, could predominate if dermal contact were prolonged. Long-term colonization of the skin surface would occur as long as a cellulose-based food source (algae) was available. The importance of minimizing dermal contact by identifying and eliminating the source of “contaminating” particles is critical in promoting the successful recovery from this disease. The age of infected individuals, as well as many other variables (types and proportions of colonizing organisms), is also likely to affect the types of, and severity of, symptoms experienced by individuals.

Although the actinomyces and chytids in the tank water are the primary degraders of cellulose and keratin, slime-producing (gliding and root-associated) bacteria and slime molds may also play a significant role as algae decomposers, and may be important in the skin ecology of Morgellons disease. The gliding bacteria, particularly Herpetosiphon giganteus (Flexibacter), is known to occur in soils and fresh water, and it produces “occasional” hyphae-like protruberances consisting of interwoven filaments (more than 5 mm long) that rise from substrate surfaces (3, 11). Crawling motility, a common trait of slime molds and chytrids, is also a common feature of gliding bacteria, and it may be related to the crawling sensations reported by Morgellons sufferers (12). Musty odors are often reported by individuals with Morgellons disease, a common characteristic of both the actimomyces and gliding bacteria.

Other possible human health problems associated with dermal and/or aerial contact with the primary organisms of concern listed in (Table 5), are related to toxin-producing cyanobacteria and algae (cytotoxins, endotoxins, neurotoxins and hepatoxins), pathogenic microbes associated with biofilms (i.e. Pseudomonas aerigonosa), and yeast popoulations (Candidia albicans).

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10.0 Summary and Conclusions

Based on the characteristics described for each organism of interest in Table 5, the following conclusions can be made with regard to the possible role each Morgellons-related particle may play.

10.1 Ribbon-like fibers

Microscopic observations show that ribbon-like fibers occur in various sizes and colors (green, greenish yellow, greenish blue, blue, black, clear/gray, and red), with the clear fibers often displaying a blue luminescence under UV light. Individual fibers consist of both rounded and ribbon-like morphologies, suggesting that ribbon-like morphologies may be indicative of fibers that have been degraded over time. Shedding or peeling of the outer fiber sheaths (ribbon-like remnants) of rounded varieties confirm this suspicion. The fiber’s color is likely related to the organisms internal, protoplasm, or cell wall pigmentation and/or pigmentation from organisms that are able to degrade or graze on filamentous organism’s surface. Many bacterial populations, especially the gliding bacteria and actinomyces, are well known for their brightly colored spores and vegetative cells, some of which luminesce under UV light (3).

Of the organisms listed in (Table 5), the only reference found for hyphae that consist of a ribbon-like morphology, are the aerial hyphae of the zygomycete fungi. Although not a common hot water tank inhabitant, it is possible that they constitute a small proportion of the total ribbon-like varieties present.

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10.2 Rounded fibers

Rounded filaments are produced, to some extent, by all of the organisms of interest in (Table 5). Gliding bacterial cells can form long, filamentous colonies surrounded by an outer sheath of slime. Their gliding motility is due to their ability to produce this mucilage substance. As a result, many filament sheaths have a jelly-like appearance, especially the cyanobacteria. Colony growth of the myxobacteria and cytophagales bacteria in agar is characterized by spreading (confluent) growth and a pasty, wet appearance. These sheaths occur as distinct filaments (or fibers) that can remain intact for extended periods of time. Cyanobacteria produce greenish blue, unbranched filaments known as trichomes that have a distinct banded or bead-like texture with air pockets called vacuoles. Clear to grayish-colored filaments recovered from hot water tank samples consist of typical textures indicative of these organisms (Figure 1, particle # 2, type-B) although they are no longer pigmented due to fragmentation. Living specimens showing this banded texture were microscopically examined from fresh soils, and these exhibit a greenish yellow UV luminescence. It is likely that dead specimens from the hot water tank no longer contained the soluble UV pigment (phycocyanin and phycoerythrin) inside the filament’s protoplasm, confirming that UV luminescence for these fiber types can be “temporary” due to death and damage. Many other pigments reside in the cell wall rather than internally, such as the chlorophylls, and may also account for a fiber’s color, especially for the ribbon-like fibers, where the protoplasm may no longer be present.

Actinomyces have a remarkable fungus-like ability to produce spore-bearing hyphae that consist of long filaments composed of individual cells. Both spores and hyphae can be brightly pigmented and can occur in many colors that can be used to differentiate between species (3). Species displaying blue and red pigmentation occur in abundance in both hot water tank and shower samples before pipe replacement.

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria occur near the root zones or rhizosphere of plants and are important soil inhabitants, most commonly Rhizobium, Azotobacter, and Agrobacter species. Most rhizosphere organisms are not widely dispersed in soils apart from root zones and do not form extensive fibrous colonies (3). They are of special note, however, due to the brown to black pigments produced upon aging that may be of interest with regard to Morgellons-related black flakes. They can form conspicuous pigmented (red, pink) rod-like cells up to 5 um in length and may be one of the commonly rod-shaped structures noted in the microscope slide mounts (Figure 4). Cultures also show evidence of their presence, as they prefer anaerobic conditions and often form water-clear colonies on the bottom rather than the top surface of the agar. Some species have been reported to produce long spiral microfibrils (Rhizobium sp.). UV pigment production has also been reported for these organisms.

Protists produce many types of filaments that consist of cellulose. Plasmodial slime molds form fiber-like stalks that contain spore-bearing fruiting bodies. Spores inside this fruiting body are held loosely by capillitia and elator filaments that spring open to release the spores (13). Capillitia filaments have a “twisted”, ropy, or scaly texture and are frequently observed in water water tank samples (Figure 1, type-C fibers). These, as well as stalk filaments, occur in many colors, often with a single filament grading from one color into another. Oomycete water molds form a cobweb-like thallus composed of colorless, aseptate hyphae. Chytridomycetes or chytrids also form colorless hyphae, and some species form inside their host and then release zoospores through a long exit tube.

Unicellular green and brown algae cells are present in abundance in both hot water tank and shower samples before the pipes were replaced, and they are considered to play an important role in Morgellons-related symptoms. Filamentous forms may account for the red UV luminescent fibers present in hot water tank samples, however more information is needed to assess their significance in water samples.

All of the filaments or fibers described in this section are likely sources for the numerous types of fibers recovered during this study. Body fibers from individuals with Morgellons likely originated from both algae dermal contact (filamentous cyanobacteria), as well as from organisms colonizing the alga (cellulose degraders) and/or the skin surface (keratin degraders).

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10.3 Capsule-like particles

These particles are identified as parasitized pine pollen grains. Reports describe chytrid parasites that feed solely on pine pollen. Freshly collected pine pollen grains were microscopically examined and moistened with local lake water. Colonization of pollen grains by parasitic aquatic chyrids revealed that the central pollen regions were consumed or “deflated” leaving behind a capsule-like morphology identical to those recovered in hot water tank samples (Figure 9). Further ecological evidence confirming the likely presence of chyrids in the hot water tank samples is the abundance of algae. Chytrids are parasites of algae and consume them during growth in the hot water tank.

A simple pine pollen test is envisioned where archived water samples are inoculated with fresh pine pollen to determine if chytrids are present in samples before tank and pipe replacement (Phase II study).

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10.4 Stellate-shaped (starfish) particles

Two distinct stellate morphologies are noted in hot water tank samples, a ribbon-like form and a rounded form (Figure 1). Note that similar forms are described for Morgellons-related fibers (above). These stellate particles, however, are not brightly pigmented. The rounded stellate forms are usually clear, with some showing a faint green interior color, whereas the ribbon forms are light brown in color. The rounded forms are remarkably similar to plant leaf hairs, and may account for the green (chlorophyll) pigmentation.

Another possible origin, due to their common association with pine pollen (also found to occur with freshly collected pollen), is from an organism that produces short hyphae that emanate from a single point, known as a monocentric thallus. Some species of parasitic chytrids produce a radiating thallus from a bulbous “holdfast”. Another monocentric thallus- producing organism includes the oomycete water molds (Rhipidiales sp.), and these would be worth investigating as a possible explanation for why there is multiple stellate forms present in samples (6). Ribbon forms may be degenerative forms of these organisms, or may simply be fungal spores in the process of germinating.

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10.5 Worm-like particles

Worm-like particles are noted with either tapered or square ends. Microscopic observations show that the square-ended worm forms originate from fragmented stellate-shaped particles. Other worm forms do not appear fragmented. None have structures suggestive of invertebrate morphology. All have a jelly-like appearance, which suggest a possible algal origin.

There are several references to invertebrate parasitic associations by the organisms of interest listed in (Table 5) and include the water molds (nematodes, insect larvae), and the chytrids (nematodes, aquatic larvae). It is likely that open lesions may harbor secondary colonization by invertebrates. Further studies of lesion tissue samples are required to address the occurrence of possible invertebrates.

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10.6 Black specks/flakes

Black specks are widely reported to be associated with Morgellons disease. Microscopic observations show that they are often colonization by microorganisms, which is to be expected since microbes mainly occur on surfaces that can provide nutrients rather than as free floating cells.

Black-grained mycetoma is a well-known skin disease that is accompanied by lesions that discharge grains composed of short fungal hyphae. White or red grains consist of fine filaments indicative of actinomyces.

Considering that aseptate hyphae are the dominant fiber morphology in hot water tank samples, black grains or specks, assuming that they are biological in origin, are likely to originate from dark pigmented exudates or secondary metabolites produced by bacteria or protists (Table 5). Another possibility that warrants further investigation are the hard, black crusts (resting stages) produced by slime molds called sclerotia. Sclerotia are formed as the plasmodium slime mass becomes desiccated, providing a resting stage for these organisms to survive periods of dryness. Some Morgellons sufferers have reported the formation of black flecks 6-7 hours after bathing, and may be related to sclerotia formation as the skin surface dries. Further studies of their microscopic morphology (filamentous or grainy) are needed.

In conclusion, it is apparent from this study that the variability in Morgellons-related symptoms is likely to the reflect variability of the causative agents or organisms that promote skin and/or systemic symptoms. Appreciation of the ecological complexity and diversity of the causative agents is needed to further differentiate Morgellons-related symptoms into definitive and distinct (sub) categories. Symptoms could be regarded as distinct types, for example, toxin-generated systemic/neurological symptoms (algae), and fibrous growth-related symptoms (filamentous keratin degrading or associated organisms). The presence of antibiotic and/or toxin producing organisms may account for chronic, long-term symptoms associated with this disease.

Based on the abundance of algae and cyanobacteria (blue-gree algae) populations in contaminated water samples, the relationship of either water or airborne environments rich in these populations suggest that conditions promoting the development of algal “blooms” are important geographical markers associated with this disease. Aquatic and soil habitats where nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations become elevated due to waste discharge or wetland disturbance by draining or drying, are known to cause algae “blooms” as excess nutrients normally used by wetland plants instead are consumed by these organisms. Future studies should include a component related to the geographic distribution of affected individuals in relation to climate.

Based on the findings of this study, Phase II investigations will include, 1) further investigation into the origin of the remaining 5 Morgellons-related particles, 2) the development of water tests to readily determine if Morgellons-related contaminants (or organisms) are present (stains and selective media), and 3) further identification, at least to the genus level, of organisms of interest recovered to-date. Further ecological investigation into the possible role that algae, blue-green algae, and keratin degrading organisms (chytrids and actinomyces) may play as causative agents in this disease are also planned.

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  1. Eaton, A. D., Clesceri, L. S., and Greenberg, A. E., 1995, Standard Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 19th edition, American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation.
  2. Ollivier, M. D., Bretagne, S., Dromer, F., Lortholary, O., and Dannaoui, E., 2006, Molecular Identification of Black-Grain Mycetoma Agents, J. Clin. Mircrobiol, 44 (10): 3517-3523.
  3. Starr, M. P., Stolp, H., Truper, H. G., Balows, A., and Schlegel, H. G., 1981, The Prokaryotes, A Handbook on Habitats, Isolation, and Identification of Bacteria, Volume 1 and Volume 2, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York.
  4. Jabra-Rizk, M. A., Falkeler, W. A. and Meiller, T. F., 2004, Fungal Biofilms and Drug Resistance, Emerg Infect Dis Vol.10, no. 1.
  5. Cavalcanti, L. H. and Mobin, M., 2001, Hemitrichia serpular var. Piauiensis (Trichiaceae, Myxomycete)- A New variety From Brazil, Acta Bot. Bras. Vol.15 no.1.
  6. Clark, J., Haskins, E. F. and Stephenson, s. L., 2002, Biosystematics of the myxomycete Badhamia gracilis, Mycologia, 95 (1), pp. 104-1108.
  7. Sudbery, P., Gow, N. and Berman, J., 2004, The distinct morphological states of Candida albicans, Trends in microbiolgy, vol. Unknown.
  8. Manteca, A., Fernandez, M. and Sanchez, J., 2005, Mycelium development in Streptomyces antibioticus ATCC11891 occurs in an orderly pattern which determines multiphae growth curves, BMC Microbiology, 5:51.
  9. Dunne, E. F. and Burman, W. J., 1998, Streptomyces Pneumonia in a Patient with Human immunodeficiency Virus Infection: Case Report and Review of the Literature on Invasive Streptomyces Infections, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 27:93-6.
  10. Ekkkelenkanp, M. B., Jong, w., Hustinx, W., and Thijsen, S., 2004, Streptomyces thermovulgaris Bacteremia in Crohn’s disease Patient, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 10, no. 10.
  11. Holt, J. G. and Lewin, R .A., 1968, Herpetosiphon auroantiacu gen. Et sp. N., A New Filamentous Gliding Organism, J. Bacteriology, American Society for Microbiology, p. 2407-2408.
  12. Ing, B, 2000, The Natural History of Slime Molds, NWFG Newsletter (ISSN 1465-8054).
  13. Mims, C. W., 1969, Capillital Formation in Arcyria cinerea, Mycologia, Vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 784-798.

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research1  RESEARCH
The Morgellons Research Foundation

“If you are a research scientist interested in conducting research into the etiology of Morgellons disease, please see the MRF Research Grant Program.


Current Research
Below is a list of the research at Clongen Laboratories, Oklahoma State University, and SUNY. Also included in this list are the findings from analyses performed by Jenny Haverty, Clinical Microbiologist; Forensic Scientist, Ron Pogue; and Lab Director, Mark Boese at the Tulsa Police Crime Lab, as well as new preliminary (Phase one) findings from a microbiologist in Massachusetts.

Click on any of these headings to read the research reports:





    • Suny Report
      (Contribution of Agrobacterium to Morgellons Disease.)




Q&A’s About Current Research








MRF Research Grant Program
The Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF) appreciates your interest in the MRF Research Grant Program. The MRF, which was founded in 2002, is dedicated to funding research efforts to find the cause of, and a cure for, Morgellons disease. The MRF also disseminates information about the illness, provides support to people with Morgellons disease, and has maintained a registry of people with the illness since its inception. The MRF recognizes that the understanding of complex diseases requires unbiased scientific research. It is only through committed research efforts and the open sharing of new information that we will understand the etiology and pathogenesis of this illness. The discovery of this information will allow researchers and clinicians to recommend appropriate diagnostic tests as well as appropriate medical treatment for patients with this illness. The MRF has funded thousands of dollars of research and is committed to funding additional research until all questions about this disease have been answered. We hope that our continued research initiatives provide incentives to scientists, give much-needed hope to individuals with Morgellons disease, and result in useful treatment information for clinicians. The ultimate goal of the MRF is a cure for Morgellons disease. Click here for the MRF Research Grant Program Packet in printable format.

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What research has the MRF funded so far?
To date, our funding has been limited only by what we can afford. The MRF has received formal grant requests from six groups of scientists at three universities, two private microbiology laboratories, and one research institute. These requests total $581,600. We have been able to provide phase one or “start up” funding only (individual grants of under $5,000) to researchers at Oklahoma State University, California State University East Bay, the State University of NY Stonybrook, and a private microbiology laboratory in Massachusetts. We have covered related costs for collecting and shipping patient samples to researchers, and have paid for several thousand dollars worth of laboratory reagents (PCR Primers) to help advance Morgellons research. Additionally, the MRF has helped fund the collection and collation of Morgellons patient clinical laboratory data, as well as demographic, history and physical information from 25 Morgellons patients who were examined by two physicians. The information from the analysis of the clinical data will be shared with you when the final report of this data is complete.

We hope to fully fund as many new Morgellons disease research projects as possible, as well as to fully fund those scientists who we have provided initial funding so that they can devote more time to conducting this crucial research.

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Why hasn’t more research been done?
The MRF was established in 2002. Our primary focus during the first several years was to raise public awareness of the disease. In the beginning, the foundation was responsible for taking a disease, which was unnamed and largely misunderstood, from obscurity into the world of science. The MRF was very successful in this endeavor. Thanks to the efforts of Ken Cowles, MRF media director, and individuals with the illness, Morgellons disease has been covered extensively in the media, including segments on CNN, NBC, ABC, and has received coverage in most of the major newspapers. These initial steps which, although slower than any of us would have liked, laid the foundation for the current scientific interest in the disease. Without public awareness of the disease, the scientists who have now expressed interest in conducting Morgellons research would not know about the disease, and there is the possibility that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would not be investigating this situation.

The MRF has received six formal research grant proposal requests totalling $581,600. These dedicated researchers, who work at three different universities, two private microbiology laboratories and one research institute, require funding to continue their investigations of Morgellons disease.

Focused scientific research has been limited to date, only due to lack of funds. Several researchers are volunteering their spare time to do this work and others have asked for minimal initial funding Since we have not been able to fully fund any researcher to date, no scientist has been able to fully devote all of his or her time to Morgellons research which has slowed research. We are most grateful to all of the researchers who are attempting to understand this illness. We appreciate each research group’s unique approach to the disease. We believe that the answers to this disease will be found as the result of the efforts of multiple researchers at different facilities each contributing their own perspectives, talents and resources.

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What is the focus of the research at the Biomedical Institute that submitted a proposal to the MRF?
This research would focus on uncovering the differences in the blood of people with Morgellons and those who do not have the disease. The short term goal of the research is to identify markers that would allow clinicians to diagnose Morgellons disease. The long term goal of the research is aimed at using these markers to understand the cause of the disorder itself. The Biomedical Institute has sent a formal grant proposal to the MRF asking for $233,000 to fund this study.

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What is the focus of the research at the Universities and the Private labs?
Research at several of the universities is focused on examining the chemical composition of the fibers and also examining them microscopically. In addition, DNA analysis is being performed on skin specimens and cultures are being performed. Environmental causes are also being investigated by one of the labs. These researchers have sent separate research grant proposals to the MRF individually asking for $25,000, $30,000, $46,600, $82,000 and $165,000. to fund these studies.

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Where do the donations go?
The MRF is operated by an unpaid board of directors, officers, and volunteers who are working out of their homes, so that the bulk of our donations go to supporting research and raising awareness. The MRF has extremely minimal operating costs and the current Board of Directors has always paid for their own travel and related costs associated with Morgellons disease.

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Has the MRF reached out to private foundations for research funding?
The MRF has reached out to several private foundations for funding. Unfortunately, so far, our efforts have been unsuccessful. It is difficult to receive support for a disease that is not yet recognized by the medical community, and seemingly only affects a relatively small number (12,000 registered families) of people. Once the disease is recognized, we believe that this type of research funding will become more available.

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Why not just wait for the CDC?
Although we are encouraged by the CDC’s involvement, we realize that their planned epidemiological study is just an early step in a long process to find the cure for this disease. We hope to move quickly towards our goal of finding a cure by enlisting the help of multiple, highly motivated researchers. As with all serious, complex diseases, the work needed to find a cure involves efforts from multiple researchers. We will only accomplish this goal if researchers, both in and outside of government agencies, all work together as quickly as possible.

Note: We certainly respect the fact that not all researchers wish to have intense public attention, and we leave it up to the individual research group to decide whether to be public. We hope that people will understand that this is a decision left up to the individual research group.

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Case Definition of Morgellons

Case Definition of Morgellons

The Medical Advisory Board of the Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF) developed a Case Definition, the most recent revision of which is currently nearing completion. Until this more rigorous definition has been submitted for review, the much earlier case characterization (seen at bottom) will remain in place.

• History of the MRF’s attempt to understand Morgellons Disease
• Morgellons Disease Characterization
• Other Commonly Reported Symptoms and Signs
• Common Laboratory Abnormalities

The history of the MRF’s attempt to understand Morgellons disease:

Morgellons Disease is a label assigned by the founder of the MRF to the condition of an ill child in 2002 with numerous symptoms outside known illness categories. One physical sign became the “defining” characteristic of the illness: small diameter “filaments” protruding from lesions near the child’s mouth and other body areas that were both sensitive and painful. In searching for others who might have encountered the same phenomenon, the MRF was created. Its initial function was to convey details of the phenomenon to others, and simultaneously provide a central registration site to foster broader communication.

Although the initial attention of the MRF focused on filaments and movement, awareness of the other symptoms increased which broadened the presumed boundaries of the illness. This illuminated the possible degree of disability of those afflicted and made clear that Morgellons disease likely extended far beyond the “filaments” and dermal movement sensations, to include numerous other organ system effects. Initially the name Morgellons disease was only a rallying point for self-diagnosed people to compare symptoms and experiences. With time, the number of registrants and the magnitude of their data reached a level that revealed a more consistent pattern, and although virtually all remained self-diagnosed, more than one hundred physicians contacted the MRF about patients with similar symptoms. In addition, physicians, veterinarians, dentists, nurses, and other medical professionals contacted the MRF about their own illness, or about the illness of family members.

The first attempt to pool and characterize Morgellons data into a consistent pattern was made by a physician member of the MRF who evaluated information collected from fifty people who self-referred from the MRF site to a single medical clinic. It was noted that many of these patients had been previously diagnosed with a common medical label, Delusions of Parasitosis (DP), the basic tenet being this is a psychiatric illness with the presumption of a purely delusional “parasite infestation.” It was already clear by the time the first dozen patients had been extensively examined physically that they did not fit under that diagnostic label. All had evidence of actual parasite infestation, including comparison of typical skin lesions, onset history, sequence of organ system involvement, and expected organ pathology. The “filaments” were consistently observable and collectible, and laboratory data was collected on all, supporting an irrefutable immune deficiency state, chronic inflammation, and a complex picture of autonomic abnormalities. Medical histories clearly support that most symptoms of Morgellons disease “precede” emotional effects. Thus, it appears that Morgellons and Delusions of Parasites (DP) are different illnesses.

Many clinicians sought out initially by patients, although formally trained and licensed, based their conclusions on the presumptions of others who had made the same presumptions in the 57 DP-titled papers in the NLM database from 1956 through 2007. Although some patients did find clinicians willing to help them, many patients reported feeling abandoned by physicians unwilling to investigate their illness. These patients tried valiantly to find a modicum of relief in the face of an otherwise ineffective medical system, and some became the target of fringe groups who occasionally promoted ineffective treatments for economic benefit.

The MRF chose to display the following clinical characterization from 2005, which has since been revised, of Morgellons disease. We know well that Morgellons disease has no formal Case Definition. However, all new definitions of human disease begin with patient observations and collected data. As the number of patients we have temporarily labeled Morgellons has grown in consistency and, counter to the DP concept, we present below a collation of all information collected from Morgellons patients until mid-2006 to create a MRF characterization of the illness. The following subsequent step will be a fact-based Case Definition.

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Morgellons Disease Characterization

The following signs or symptoms are the basis of Morgellons Disease as defined by patients that fit within a consistent boundary that is also outside the boundary of other “known” diseases. The initial three characteristics parallel a much more entrenched illness, Delusions of Parasitosis (DP) named decades before today’s laboratory technology and infection/immunity knowledge, driven by HIV, developed. The more recent findings listed below provide a far broader and more consistent evidence base, strongly supporting the likelihood that DP is a prematurely assigned label to an organic, rather than purely psychiatric disease.

1. “Filaments” are reported in and on skin lesions and at times extruding from intact-appearing skin. White, blue, red, and black are common among described fiber colors. Size is near microscopic, and good clinical visualization requires 10-30 X. Patients frequently describe ultraviolet light generated fluorescence. They also report black or white granules, similar in size and shape to sand grains, on or in their skin or on clothing. Most clinicians willing to invest in a simple hand held commercial microscope have thus far been able to consistently document the filaments.

2. Movement sensations, both beneath and on the skin surface. Sensations are often described by the patient as intermittently moving, stinging or biting. Involved areas can include any skin region (such as over limbs or trunk), but may be limited to the scalp, nasal passages, ear canals, or face…and curiously, legs below the knees.

3. Skin lesions, both (a) spontaneously appearing and (b) self-generated, often with pain or intense itching. The former (a) may initially appear as “hive-like”, or as “pimple-like” with or without a white center. The latter (b) appear as linear or “picking” excoriations. Even when not self-generated (as in unreachable regions of babies’ skin), lesions often progress to open wounds that heal incompletely (e.g., heal very slowly with discolored epidermis or seal over with a thick gelatinous outer layer.). Evidence of lesions persists visually for years.

4. Musculoskeletal Effects and Pain is usually present, manifest in several ways. Pain distribution is broad, and can include joint(s), muscles, tendons and connective tissue. Both vascular and “pressure” headaches and vertebral pain are particularly common, the latter usually with premature (e.g., age 20) signs of degeneration of both discs and vertebrae.

5. Aerobic limitation is universal and significant enough to interfere with the activities of daily living. Most patients meet the Fukuda Criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well (Fukuda, Ann. Int. Med., 1994). Cardiology data and consistently elevated heart rates suggest a persistent myocarditis creating lowered cardiac output that has been partially compensated for by Starling’s Law.

6. Cognitive dysfunction, includes frontal lobe processing signs interfering with logical thinking as well as short-term memory and attention deficit. All are measurable by Standard Psychometric Test batteries.

7. Emotional effects are present in most patients. Character typically includes loss or limitation of boundary control (as in bipolar illness) and intermittent obsessional state. Degree varies greatly from virtually absent to seriously life altering.

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Other Commonly Reported Symptoms and Signs

1. Shifting visual acuity. Unexplained frequent need to change glasses prescription, perceived changes in visual field, and scattered and changing level of perceived light intensity.

2. Numerous neurological symptoms and clinical findings. A variety of neurological symptoms and signs have been reported. Common physical findings include abnormal Romberg, peripheral neuropathy in ALL (feet, and in some cases fingers), abnormal reflexes, verifiable, probably neuropathic pain and recurrent brain control abnormalities affecting motor function, circadian rhythm, body temperature, and respiratory rate.

3. Gastrointestinal symptoms. These symptoms often include dyspepsia, gastroesophageal reflux, swallowing difficulty, and changes in bowel habits (Similar to IBS or Crohn’s disease)

4. Acute changes in skin texture and pigment. The skin is variously thickened and thinned, with irregular texture and hyper- OR hypo-pigmentation pattern. Overgrowth or hypergrowth phenomena are common (nevi, skin tags, microangioma, lipomas, callus formation).

5. Arthralgias. Arthralgias (pain in the joints) is frequently reported, although arthritis is not. Common joints are in fingers, shoulders, knees and vertebrae.

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Common Laboratory Abnormalities

Elevated cytokines: TNF-alpha, IL-6, TGF-beta; Elevated inflammation markers: C-reactive protein and TNF-alpha; Immunodeficiency markers: low CD 56 or CD 57 number, low C1Q, low IgG subclasses 1 and 3; Hematological abnormalities: low hemoglobin and hematocrit with abnormal RBC indices; and Biochemical abnormalities: elevated blood glucose, insulin, calcium, and serum Homocysteine, and low serum potassium and magnesium.

The consistent finding of numerous unexpected biologic agents at atypically high levels (some thought to be non-pathogens, others definitely pathogenic) strongly supports that an immune deficiency state exists in Morgellons patients. Agents identified serologically include many zoonoses (intermittently and in low numbers) such as Borrelia (at least five species) and Babesia, a single recently found gram negative bacterium, most herpes viruses, some strongly activated such as VZV and HHV-6, several mycology species (esp. Tineas), and particularly in those we have labeled Morgellons patients, parasites (species will be elaborated following PCR sequencing).

Physician Information

Physician Information
The Morgellons Research Foundation is frequently contacted by clinicians seeking treatment advice for patients believed to have Morgellons disease. Unfortunately, at this time there is no generally accepted treatment for this disease, although antibiotics, anti-parasitics and anti-fungals have been helpful to some patients. See our FAQs section for more information.

Message from William T. Harvey, MD, MPH, MS, MRF Medical Director
As clinicians, we presently characterize an illness by its time course (history and symptoms), observable physical abnormalities (signs), technical measurement aberrancies (lab, EMG, etc.). Curiously, although Delusions of Parasitosis (or DP, which can be a misdiagnosis for patients with Morgellons disease) has been in common use for decades; few such facts make up its definition. Such is not the case with Morgellons disease, as many elements of this disease have been collected and collated. Although the final case definition of this disease is still “in process”, it includes patterns of abnormalities outside of the skin component. The typical diagnosis of Morgellons patients as DP patients has resulted in a strictly psychiatric label, and ineffective treatment. By simply avoiding the trap of assuming all the illness is psychiatric, any astute clinician will get a thorough history of all problems bothering the patient. The accompanying malaise, fever, measurable memory deficit, tachycardias, elevated fasting glucose and insulin, and elevated cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-6…among many others…will lead far from a solely psychiatric diagnosis.

This now becomes a primary battleground of the so-called “evidence-based-medicine.” Take care that, as thinkers and scientists, your search is via facts…as best we can find such…and not a few scattered unfounded assumptions focused on a single disease element.

Our power as physicians to resolve illnesses is our ability to think, not to cookbook our medicine. The latter is not evidence-based medicine. The truth, as it always has, sits in front of us.

Morgellons Case Definition
The Medical Advisory Board of the Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF) developed a Case Definition of Morgellons Disease. This Case Definition is the most recent revision. Until a more rigorous definition has been submitted for review, this case characterization will remain in place.

New Case Study—Read the latest Case Study on Morgellons Disease.

Recommendations and Letters
Review these recommendations, letters, and other publications to learn what physician are saying about this recently discovered disease.

Important CDC Physician Recommendation
The CDC recommends that physicians with Morgellons/Unexplained Dermopathy patients contact their local or state public health departments. CDC further recommends that since there may be a great deal of variability in where physician inquiries are handled within a given Health Department, it is reasonable for the physician to start with the communicable diseases or environmental health units/divisions at the local or state Health Department.
Click here to access the State Health Department websites.

CDC Letter to State Medical Associations
Department of Health and Human Services
CDC Letter to State Medical Associations

Physician Letter to the Editor: Robert C. Bransfield, M.D., DEFAPA, PC
Morgellons Disease
Psychiatric News

Physician Letter to the Editor: William T. Harvey, MD, MPH
Morgellons Disease
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

Physician Letter to the Editor: Bradley Hope, MD
Differential Diagnosis for Parasitosis
Cortland Forum-Primary Care Physician Magazine

Letter to clinicians from Randy S. Wymore, Ph.D., and Rhonda Casey, D.O. at Oklahoma State University
About Morgellons Disease